In which she is used as a towel

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Maaz's pov

I looked around trying to find something to clean my chin up with, stupid mango decided to get all extra juicy on me and drip all over under my lip. I didn't wanna use my shirt, it was already caked up with dirt and sand and a bit of Rania's blood.

Speaking of Rania...I looked over at her, she was currently sleeping, resting her head on the window of the truck, it looked uncomfortable but I guess she couldn't feel it if she's fast asleep like that. My chin began to get itchy and I contemplated on whether wiping my chin on her hijab or screw it, it's not like she's gonna find out.

With that I leaned over and grabbed the end of the scarf and wiped the trail of juice. I placed it back gently so she doesn't wake up and leaned back in my place with a slight smirk on my face. Ahh being evil sure is delighting.

I close my pocket knife and put it back into my backpack, I'm glad I ate a lot of mangos, now I have a perfectly clear space for my legs to rest. Since my phone doesn't work and I don't have a watch on like they did back in the good 'ol days I look at the sky to find an approximate time for my curious brain. After much staring (and my eyes possibly going blind from the harsh sun) I decide it's about six in the afternoon.

Sighing I lean back and pull my hat over my face so it doesn't get sunburnt. Just as I'm about to get some shut eye, I jolt up realizing that if we've been travelling for possibly four hours then that means we must've passed an intersection soon right? Oh shit...what number was it again?

I know it wasn't over ten because it was one syllable but after that it's all groggy in my head. I look over at Rania and decide to wake her up, we can't afford getting lost again. I don't want to touch her because that'd be haram (although I have carried her and prodded her ankle and-- oh forget it...I'm a harami) so I decide to touch her through a mango instead.

The halal way.

Picking up a a mango I push it against her shoulder while saying, "wake up Rainy, wake up!" I'm aware she has never liked the nickname I gave to her from the moment she told me her name but in all honesty I don't care. It was rainy when we first met, and when she said her name for Rania, my young brain immediately thought of Rainy. Plus, I'm too lazy to say Rania.

"Wake up you lumpy box of cereal," I groan out as she stirs but doesn't regain conscious. I finally start yelling at her to wake up and she does. Really abruptly I must add, she ends up banging her forehead with mine and a round of 'ows' and groans are heard. I wonder what the driver must be thinking with all this groaning going on.

"Woahhh s-since when do you have a twin? And why is he lost with u-us toooo?" She says with a wobbly tone and her her head and hands swaying from side to side. I wave a hand in front of her face but she continues looking like a fish out of water.

"Are you okay?" I ask cautiously as she continues trying to poke at my head and the air beside me. "Tehehe you have funny lookin' hair," she says trying to grab at it like a baby would do. "Woah why are there orange ducklings all around us?"

I push her hands away and snap my fingers in front of her eyes, I think she may be hallucinating. "Ugh shit Rainy, you seriously chose this time to act like a drunken hippo? Here, drink some water." I say pushing a water bottle in her hands.

She looks at it for a moment before aiming it at me and making gun sounds. I laugh when she pretends to shoot herself but quickly snap out of it remembering the situation at hand.

I take the water bottle rout of her hands and using the mango I lift her chin up and pour some into her mouth. She starts gargling it and I groan, "no bad Rainy! Swallow...I said swallow!" Now I'm really beginning to wonder what the driver is thinkin' with all these sounds from the back.

"Okay, Rania? Do you rem- no no those aren't French fries, they are your fingers- do you remember what stop we were supposed to stop at?" I ask, and she nods sloppily before saying, "Tobias."

"Tobias? What? Is that in Urdu or something? What stop Rania? Our lives depend on this!" I say looking her steady in the eyes. Man does she have some pretty eyes, with tiny specks of-- now is not the time Maaz! Plus, no she doesn't, a turtle has better looking eyes than those excuses for eyes. Okay yeah I'm lying, I also need to stop talking to myself and focus back onto the problem.

"I told you, it's Tobias." She says before closing her eyes and giving out snoring noises. "No no no wake up! What's Tobias supposed to mean?! Wait so like To for two? Or maybe like bias for...for- for..I DONT KNOW!" I growl in frustration.

I lean over Rania and knock on the window to the truck, the driver jumps a bit before realizing where the sound is coming from and sliding open the window, "hello uh could you please tell us or uh me what number the next intersection or like stop will be?"

"Four mate," he says looking at me through the mirror and I give a smile and a thanks, "would you like to dropped off there?"

I think about all the possibilities, maybe it's the right one, or maybe it's not and we could get lost again. He gives me a raised eyebrow as if asking why I'm taking so long and I say, "will we be able to find help there, like maybe a cab or like a police station?"

"I'm not sure mate but I know there is a police station at intersection number five," after another two or three seconds I finally nod, "could you please drop us off there, I'd appreciate it."

"Sure mate." He says with a smile before closing the window again.

I push myself back so I'm not leaning over Rania and sigh again, "I fudgin said Tobias," she mumbles in her sleep and I roll my eyes, "yeah well fudge your Tobias."

"Ay Maaz?" She drawls out and I sleepily look over at her.

"Yes Rania?"

"Do you by any chance know why there is a random mango smelling stain on my scarf?"


Short update, but I wanted to write in Maaz's pov :D

Quick question- do you guys enjoy them being or are you sick and tired of it and want them to find their way there already XD

K byeeeee xx I'll try to update soon! I'll update sooner if you don't tell me to update! ;)

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