In which the haraami couple is seen

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I stretch my back out as I smile and sigh into the soft velvet blankets. The ray of sunshine stream though the little gap in our fort and I blink a couple times as they get watery.

A hand comes in front of it and I grin turning my head to a freshly woken up Maaz, and I've got to say even in the morning he looks gorgeous. I probably look like a street rat, I think to myself as I quickly pat my hair down. The blanket falls down a bit and I remember that my clothes aren't on so I pull it back up hastily. Maaz chuckles and rubs his face before leaning over me with his hand in the palm of his hand.

"Mornin'," he says with a rough voice and leans in but I shake my head and move my head away, "ew no kissing, morning breath."

He groans and falls back down onto his pillow, I chuckle and grab one of his t-shirts that was lying in the heap of clothes at the end our feet. I pull it over me and sit up, a cramp like pain strikes through my abdomen and I shut my eyes to let it pass.

"What's wrong?" Maaz says sitting up, the covers he had on top of him fall low and I avert my gaze to his face and shake my head, "nothing, but I blame you." I say childishly pointing at him.

He chuckles and grabs my finger in his hands before whispering, "I did warn you how big I am."

I slap his shoulder and he laughs to himself as I escape to the bathroom. Quickly doing my business in there I then head to my still to be unpacked suitcase, I grab a comfortable pair of overalls that I had no idea I packed and wear them over Maaz's shirt.

I look inside our fort to find him not in there and begin to clean up. After making our room look decent I head out of our room and to the kitchen. Maaz is in there singing to himself a song that I am way to familiar with due to Maya's insane love for Arijit Singh.

Maaz has a surprisingly really good voice as he sings the chorus to "Tum hi Ho" (A/N I'll try to put a link of this to the side), when he notices me standing there he grins and sings louder and begins to dance with me.

I laugh as he spins us around and falls me into a dip. He pulls me back up and into his chest mumbling, "love you Rainy," into my hair. I chuckle and peck his cheek, "love you too Maazy."

He bops my nose and then let's me go turning back to the fridge. "So what do we have to eat?" I ask leaning against the counter beside the stove.

"Uhm we had one egg but I accidentally killed it and I uh also accidentally spilt the pancake powder.." He says sheepishly, I look towards the floor and sure enough there are traces of white powder that looked to be poorly cleaned up.

"So wanna go out to eat?" He says raising and eyebrow. I groan and jokingly say, "but that requires getting ready."

"Not that hard, now go on." He gives me a light push in the direction of our bedroom and I groan again before grabbing a black long sleeved comfortable dress and a white scarf to wrap as my hijab.

After I'm done, I meet Maaz by the door who changed into a pair of athletic shorts and a Nike hoodie. He locks the door behind us and intertwines our fingers together as we go down to the parking lot.

The ride to the nearest breakfast cafe is short with Maaz telling me his newly made up jokes. After he finishes I remember reading one on tumblr, "oh listen to this one, okay so there was this girl who lived in New York and one day her dog dies. So she has to take it to the shelter but in order to get there she has to take the subway," I pause as I see that we've arrived but Maaz gestures to continue as he smiles and turns his body towards me, "so she puts the dog in a suitcase. When she's getting off the subway a man notices her struggling with the case so he decides to help. He asks her,"do you mind if I know what's in this." She didn't want to say a dead dog so she says, "a bunch of laptops." And then the guy picks up the suitcase and runs away with it." I finish and Maaz begins to laugh deeply.

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