In which he looks cute

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I groan trying to block the harsh light of the sun, something comes over my face casting a shadow and I sigh in gratitude.

"Rania? Wake up." The masculine voice says and I groan again, "just five more minutes Laith."

"Not Laith sorry, I'm Maaz." I squint my eyes open and Maaz's grinning face pops into view, "how ya feeling sleeping beauty?"

"Sleeping beauty?" I scowl as I try to get up, I rub my sore back and look down at my ankle, it's cladded in a what looks like fabric from a t-shirt and when I wiggle it, it hurts but not as much as before, my converse lay beside me but my foot is still in sock.

"How much ankle did ya see?" I ask with a glare. He raises his hand in surrender, "hey I had no choice, either you died or I saw a lot of your leg."

Looking around I notice that we're still in the exact spot and there's no sign of any changes. "Were you looking out for the bus?" I ask as he continues standing over me with his hands on his hips. I motion for him to move a bit so he's blocking the Sun and he does with a playful smirk.

"Yeah I was, didn't sleep at all." A frown comes upon my face as I take his words in, "at all? Aren't you tired?"

He shrugs, "a bit but I had ta make sure your foot didn't swell up." He says casually and a smile comes onto my face but I quickly make it neutral again.

Did he actually stay up all night just to make sure I was okay? "Anyways, I put your sketchbook back in to your bag. I don't think it'll take long for that mango truck to come--"

Just as he says that, far off down the road a truck fully loaded with mango's in the back rumbles down the road.

Maaz quickly rushes around and gathers up out stuff, he places both my bag and his bag onto his shoulders and says, "I got your bag, can you get up or do you need help," I try to get up but the throbbing in my ankle comes back and I  wince landing back down with a thump. "oh shit." Maaz says as the truck begins to get closer.

"okay uhm grab the end of the bag and ill help pull you up, then you can limp or something," he looks around hastily before grabbing a long stick, I get up with the help of the stick and he shoves the stick at me, I groan and he quickly replies with a sorry.

"gosh rania at the rate your moving in it'll already be halfway across China, move it." I roll my eyes as he begins panicking. "calm down we'll make it--"

"how do we make it when its already tumbling ahead of us!" I gasp as I see that he's right and the truck is now moving ahead and has passed us.

"Maaz do something!" I say loudly as he continues waving his arms around, he looks at me and it seems as if a light bulb flicked on in his head or something because the next thing he says is,"I got it, but forgive me Rainy!"

With that I'm scooped off the ground and into his arms and he starts running, "Maaz what the hell?!" I scream but he doesn't answer and instead throws me onto the truck. I groan as I land on the hard mangos and quickly look back to see Maaz sprinting to catch up.

The truck is too fast though and I quickly look around for something to help him. Oh wow, how much more stupid can I get? The driver! I crawl up the mangos to the window separating the driver from the back of the truck and pound on it with my hands, ignoring the pain in both my hand and foot.

A chubby red head man turns around with a scared expression, he nearly swerves off the road as he sees me but then regains and stops the truck.

I look back in time to see Maaz bump into the truck and fall back down, I wince as he lands back with a loud grunt and crawl across the mangos to see him laying on his back on the floor. "You good?" I awkwardly call out and he gives me a thumbs up, "great." (A/N oh wait damn it wrong book again, eh at least it works out)

The driver gets out frantically and hobbles over to Maaz, helping him up, "you alright mate? Didn't see ya there at the back of me truck," he says with a hard Australian accent. Maaz nods and shakes his hand, "will it be okay if we hitched a ride with you? We're sort of lost and my uh acquaintance here hurt her leg so we sort of cant walk there," he says while rubbing his forehead and turning his hat around.

He looks so cute.

Wait what?

The snake put some poison's in me or something , I'm definitely hallucinating, Maaz does not look cute.

"Well of course, just hop off whenever you want, here let me make some room for ya, ya?" The man gives me a smile and I nod back, he then pushes some mangos over and pats the wood, "here ye go."

"Thank you so much," Maaz says with a grin and shakes the man's hand again, he nods back and then proceeds on walking back tot he front of the truck and staring the engine. I move the farthest I can go but that still isn't far enough because when Maaz gets in, his shoulder brushes mine. An odd sensation tickles me there but I put the thought to the back of my head.

The truck starts rumbling again and we're off down the sandy road, "that was hard. Sorry again for uh picking you up." I shake my head, "nah it's fine, we had no choice."

It's quite for a few more seconds with just the sounds of the truck and the smell of mango's around us. I grimace when my ankle begins to hurt again again and close my eyes praying that it'll go away soon.

"Here, let me look at it." Maaz says with a sympathetic look on his face, I shake my head, "I'm good-- ugh oww," I exclaim when strikes of pain return.

He doesn't listen to me and instead moves sideways and proceeds to putting my foot in his lap, I flinch whne he makes contact with it and he raises an eyebrow, "don't worry I'll be as gentle as I can."

I nod and he lets me take my own sock off, when I'm done he begins to untie the white cloth, "where'd you get that cloth from?" I ask curiously.

He shrugs, "I ripped it from my shirt, no biggie." I notice that now his white undershirt is gone and he has buttoned his plaid shirt. I nod and after a few seconds say, "thanks."

He shrugs again, but then a playful smirk comes onto his face, "anything for you Rainy bear."

I roll my eyes with a grin before looking down at my ankle and frowning, it looks bad. The swelling has gone down a bit but now a purplish, greenish color has taken over. Maaz notices my worry and quickly says, "don't worry it's not as bad as it looks," I nod but don't believe him.

He reties the cloth and lets me pull my sock back on over it. I sigh as I lean back onto the truck, the sun beams down harshly but the trucks moving fast and the wind flows. Maaz leans back beside me and grabs a mango," I don't think he'll notice if one of them is gone," he says with a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes and grin, he then brings out a knife and I start chuckling,"why do you have a knife with you?"

"Well duh, I needed something to protect myself from you." And with that our old routine starts, bickering as he continues eating mango after mango.


Hoped you liked it! hasn't even been 18 hours and I updated, someone give me a medal

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