In which Maaz is used as a step stool

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"Uh excuse yourself, who are you calling a devil?" Maaz says snapping his fingers in a triangle motion, I roll my eyes and turn back to Aladdin, "please don't make me, pleaseee--"

He cuts me off and says, "do you want to get back home or what?" Why is every guy acting so sassy today..

I huff and nod, "good, now get onto Robert and make room for Maaz, I'll lead the way with Agatha." I scrunch my nose grabbing my backpack with a grunt. "Honestly dude, why Agatha and Robert? What is wrong with you?" Maaz says
deliriously. Aladdin chooses to ignore him and as Agatha lowers herself he swiftly climbs on.

I rub my forehead that's begun to get a bit clammy and look towards where the camel and Maaz are standing, he smirks at me and lowers the animal to the ground. I hesitantly walk towards him and he sighs saying, "just get onto the damn thing you baby."

I scowl at him and quickly swing one leg over, the width of the animal was so big though I slipped right back off and Maaz chuckled. I squinted at the animal and tried again, when I slipped off again I kicked the ground in anger.

"What's taking you two so long?" Aladdin says leading Agatha towards us, Maaz shields his face from the bright sun as he looks up at him, "Shortie over here can't get up," I kick his shin for calling me shortie but I end up hurting my own converse cladded foot instead of him. "Then just pick her up and put her on."

"Her brother would chop my fingers off if I touch her so no thank you." Maaz says pushing his hat around to the back of his head. Aladdin shakes his head and puts a hand over his face. "Oh I got an idea!" I say when the lightbulb above my head flicks open. They both turn to me and I say, "Maaz get on the ground right beside the damn camel." He squints at me suspiciously before doing what I said.

I put my foot on his back and using the camels reins and Maaz giving me the small leverage I successfully climb on. Maaz shakes his head at me with a slight grin on his face. I move myself back on the camel until my back touching the hump, I quickly place my backpack between me and Maaz as he pulls himself on with ease.

"Ouch what's in your backpack," he says as Robert raises himself up, we're pushed backwards and then forwards as the camels gets onto his legs. It starts following the camel of Aladdins and after a few seconds I get used to its slight thumps and wobbles. I open the pocket Maaz was talking about and said, "oh that's my sketchbook," he nods and says, "move it so it isn't poking into my back," I smirk and say, "why should I move something that's causing you pain?"

He turns his head backwards and his voice suddenly deepening he says, "do you want me to put your backpack in front of me so there's just an inch between us?" I move the sketchbook away with a grim face before saying, "oh you would love that wouldn't you?"

"I would." He says probably smirking, my cheeks redden as I roll my eyes, "why are your cheeks red Rainy?" He says without turning around to look at me at all. My mouth forms an 'O' as I look to see if the camel has mirrors on him or something, "no t-they aren't." I say, quickly denying it.

"Why did ya stutter?" He says probably smirking with that ugly face of his again, "why do you ask so many questions?" I spit back crossing my arms over my chest. I noticed the camel had finally started to move a bit faster than its rate before and I got happy, maybe we could reach the place faster now.

"Why are you trying to change the subject?"

"Why aren't you trying to change the subject?" I reply while loosening my hijab a bit so my neck can get some air.

"Because I like this subject, you in your awkward state is very amusing." He says, raising his hand and turning his hat back around to shield over his forehead.

I decide to ignore him and it works, he doesn't talk again until at least thirty minutes later. The sun glows over us casting hot rays onto the top of our heads, during the ride I had put a loose cloth of my hijab over my face so it wouldn't look like a burnt burrito once we arrived at the wedding. Or the remains of the wedding. Maaz had done the same but with his plaid button up shirt instead. It was probably light enough to see through since we didn't waver from Aladdins path.

We probably looked like a bunch of looneys but only the animals would think that. There was nothing but sand and rocks in sight, we passed by a few cactuses to which Maaz stopped us and demanded he take a picture with them. Apparently he's never seen a real life one before. That would probably be his last time though, when he was taking his selfie with it, he leaned in too close and got a few thorns into his shoulder.

"Oh my lordddd, why is so hot?" He whines, emphasizing on the length of lord. "Cuz' I'm here." I say without even trying, I hate to admit it but he's right, it feels like I'm in a boiler, "pffftttt, please get lost then." He says rubbing his face with his shirt, "I'm gonna drown in my own sweat mate." He says more to himself than me and I nod in agreement even though he can't see me. The back of his white shirt is starting to stick to his back and I wanna poke it just to see if his back is actually as hard as it looks.

Aladdin turns around with his camel and faces us, we stop too and I lean to the side to look at him, he's laughing really hard and I realize we do look stupid, with me and my full covered face and Maaz with his shirt over his head. Aladdin's in that vest of his and those loose trousers but doesn't even look like he's sweating. Abu is sitting on top of the camels hump eating a banana while picking into the camel with his fingers.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny." Maaz says tiredly taking the shirt off his head, he lifts his hat too and runs a hand through his hair before placing the shirt back over his head.

"Come on only fourty five more minutes and then we can rest," Aladdin says not waiting for our replies and turning back around. He makes Agatha go faster and Maaz quickly grabs Roberts reins again before making him follow them.


Short filler but hope you liked it :)

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