In which they know they're gonna die

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"Oh my god Maaz hurry up! That officer probably already sent people after us!" I yell out the window at Maaz who's taking a piss behind the boulders.

"Alright, alright I'm coming, yeesh woman hold your horses," he says back reappearing from behind the rocks, I throw him a water bottle to wash his hands with and he quickly does so before recapping it and hopping back into the driver's seat.

"Alright now which way..." he says and begins playing around with the GPS. I patiently wait for him to do so while looking behind us at the road.

It's been a while since we escaped and I'm pretty sure we're far away from his place but I still fidget with nervousness at the thought of being caught doing something this illegal.

"Okay, I think I got it. Buckle up Rainy." He says before starting the car again.

We drive silently for a few minutes before he says, "would today be the last day of the wedding?"

I nod before realizing that his eyes are on the road and not on me, "yeah, since the first day was just everyone getting together."

"Okay well InshAllah we get there on time," he mumbles as we finally make it onto a decent looking road. And by decent I mean one that's actually paved and has yellow lines in the middle. There aren't any other cars in sight but I'm sure we'll see some soon.

"I hope not, my brother yelling at me in front of all the guests will not be fun." I say leaning my head against the window.

"Oh yeah...forgot that your bro would be there too. Well I guess today's my last day on Earth." He says with a sigh.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, "what how come?"

He turns his head to me and gives me a look, "I will die at the hands of your brother duh."

I roll my eyes and chuckle lightly, "don't worry I'll protect you."

He in return gives a laugh too and says, "sure you will."

We spot our first car after a couple more minutes and I quickly punch Maaz in the shoulder before he can do so himself while saying, "Yellow dune buggy no punch backs!!"

He mumbles an 'ow' and rubs his shoulder, "oh come on I could've don't it first if I wasn't driving!" He says with a frown, "I can't believe you still remember this game, didn't we always play it like what...six years ago?"

It was a game me and Maaz always played whenever we were on field trips or forced to sit together during car rides to places. Whoever spotted a yellow or red dune buggy would punch the other. The bruises on my shoulder would stay for weeks and I'm sure his stayed longer.

I give a laugh and say, "we were so competitive then," he chuckles and replies with, "I think we still are. I'm gonna win the next time for sure."

I punch him again right after he finishes and he groans in response as the red car passes by. "Maybe next time eh Maazy?" I say grinning and he says, "you just wait Rania."


He ended up getting bruised so bad that we had to stop at a local store and get an ice bag. While he did so I chewed on a granola bar while staring at the sky above.

My behind was seated on a rock and my foot that was hurt was layed out in front of me. The clock from the car said it was four in the afternoon and we had long passed the intersection that we had got lost on. The one where we had turned left instead of right.

While we drove past it Maaz had the urge to scream out the window and he did so, yelling obscenities and very shameful things about the truck driver and even the kangaroo that ate our map.

A Journey with the Devil HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now