In which her near death experience is caused by a can

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Rania's pov

I groaned into my soft pillow as Laiths voice booms up the stairs again, "Rania seriously get your butt out of bed right now!" I sigh and look at my alarm clock, it's only one pm.

"LAITH IT'S TOO EARLY!" I yell before smashing back under my pillows. I gulp as I hear his boots thump up the stairs and towards my room. My bedroom door creaks and I stuff myself more under the comforter.

"We have to go grocery shopping." He says agitated and throws a teddy bear at me. He walks towards the window and pulls the blinds up, the sun burns into my eyes making me wince. He stands there with his arms on his waist glaring, I'm about to say something when I notice a half naked body emerge from the window across.

Grabbing my duvet I pull it over my head and hold it together under my chin. Laith looks at me confused before looking over his shoulder, his eyes widen as he sees Maaz putting a shirt on while singing to himself.

"Oh hey there neighbours! Lovely morning we're having aren't we?" He says noticing us. His moves closer to the window as Laith does the same, I watch as he whsipers harshly to him and try to strain my ears to hear what he's saying.

"Gosh Laith calm down, I'm not doing anything." He says running a hand through his hair while leaning against his window sill. He looks behind my brothers shoulder and laughs wildly as he sees me. "Oh my god, you look like a puffy marshmellow!"

"Yeah well you look like a burnt one," I grumble out but he hears me and pauses his laughing ready to retort. Before he can do so Laith puts his hand up and says, "don't call each other food, both of you are too ugly for food. Now goodbye Maaz." We both glare at Laith and he quickly pulls the blinds down.

I take my comforter off and run a hand through my wild hair. "Be ready in ten." He says ruffling my hair even more and walking out the door, I growl slightly patting it back down and get out of bed.

I walk across my carpeted floor and into my bathroom, when you have rich parents, you have a rich house. It's not too big, but then again it's not modern either. We have about six rooms but they're mostly all in the left wing, where everything's ancient and lonely. The only neighbour we have is Maaz's family who's house is sort of like ours but they use their whole house since his family is always bustling around.

He has three older sisters, and a grandma who can be so...hyper sometimes. His dad owns about three restaurants here in Australia while his mom stays at home and cooks a lot.

It's only Laith and I in this large space so we decided on just living in a portion of it, the rest isn't old, creaking and dusty but just really hollow. Our parents own an agricultural firm in almost five countries, the newest one being in America, so they left us here in Australia with tonnes of money and a 'be safe don't do anything crazy'.

We used to live in Canada, but when they opened another firm here in Australia we had to move. I didn't mind it though, Australia's beautiful not to mention how warm it is here.

I finish washing up and head to my closet, making sure the blinds arnt going up any time soon, I start changing into my lazy day clothes. A pair of sweats and a FC Barcelona sweatshirt. I grab a read scarf and wrap it around my head pinning it down, I fluff it up a bit and add some lip balm to my almost dry lips.

I fold my comforter up since I know how much Laith hates it when I don't and walk out of my room. I take the spiralling stairs slowly but then decide in not wasting my energy and slide down the banister instead.

I land gracefully at the bottom and Laith stands there looking at me amused, "you're such a child." Taking the Nutella sandwich from his outstretched hand I mumble, "says the guy who has a jam stain on his pants."

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