In which there's just plain happiness

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The plane lands with a slight rumble officially ending our honeymoon, three days and three nights were not enough to spend in Fiji. The mornings were full of sightseeing, adventure and Maaz disrupting the peace of old ladies, while the nights were full off love and compassion and breaking another bed once again, this time our jumping skills were not at fault.

The dinner with our parents a few days ago had gone like I expected it to go, they tried to bribe Maaz into divorcing me and kept at trying to tell me about all my cousins that lived in Canada that would be perfect for me. In the end Laith shushed them up and we ate our dinner in silence before running out of there and to our own humble abode.

As the flight attendant speaks off the procedures on how to safely exit the plane I turn my head over to the sleeping Maaz and smile gently to myself. His eyelash's skim his hard cheekbones with every breath he takes and a light snore can be heard whistling out of his mouth in a gentle tune. I grab his hand and place a light kiss on his knuckles. His eyes flutter open and he sleepily grins over at me before looking around and saying, "have we landed Rainy?"

I nod and he gives my hand a light squeeze before standing up and opening the compartment above to grab our handbags. I grin as he goes and helps some of the old people around us, of course he almost messes that up and nearly kills himself when the luggage off a nearby old lady is too heavy.

The old lady pats his head and he makes his way back over to me, he notices me chuckling and glares, "oh hush up, that case was heavier than three elephants, probably has a lot of drugs or something in there." He says mumbling the last part, I laugh and we both make our way out of the plane.

2 weeks later

"Rania have you seen my black tie?" Maaz yells from our bedroom as I finish up the last of my assignment for Uni. "Check the fourth drawer." I yell back, packing up all my drawing utensils and paper. Today was an important day for both Maaz and I, he was going to go see how he did on the Pharmacy exam he took about three days ago, give an interview and see if he got the job.

While I on the other hand am going to go see the doctor. Maaz does not know that yet but InshaAllah when we both return we both have good news in store.

"It's not in there," he whines out and I sigh before getting up and walking into our room, "honestly Maaz you're like a child." I grumble out pushing past him to look inside our closet.

"I checked a trillion times its no--" I cut him off as I lift the black tie that he searched for a trillion times right in front of his face. His mouth hangs open in a cute way and I chuckle before walking up to him and starting to tie it up.

He wraps his arms around me and mumbles, "what would I do without you." I shrug and finish up the loop, "you can do a lot of stuff without me, now hurry up and put your shoes on."

He sits on the bed and after lacing up his shoes he combs his hair a couple of times before turning to me nervously and asking, "how do I look?"

"Hot." I bluntly say swooning a bit from the inside, Maaz dressed in dress shirts and ties will be the death of me. He chuckles and gives me a kiss on the forehead, "I know that but unless all the interviewers are females these looks aren't gonna get me the job," he says and I slap his shoulder, "don't be cocky."

He chuckles and I say,"you're going to do great, don't get too nervous because you always start spitting out random stuff when you're nervous."

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