In which Laith is Rania and Maaz's child

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"MAAZ YOU DIPSHIT, GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!" Laith yells as I push my head deeper into the pillow to block our their rambling. If you think Maaz and I were bad, try sharing a room with Laith and Maaz.

"But you're so cuddly and warm like a teddy bear!!" Maaz whines, I peak out of my blanket to see a very stressed out Laith laying on his side while a very hyper looking Maaz clings onto him.

"I'll make you into a frikin teddy bear if you don't let go in the next three seconds." Laith growls out and Maaz quickly lets go and plops down at the end of his feet.

I sigh and glance at the clock, "Laith how co--"

He looks up at me and suddenly gasps, "RANIA YOUR HAIR!" He yells and slaps his hand onto Maaz's eyes, Maaz stumbles and falls off the bed backwards as Laith mumbles 'whoops' slowly.

I pat my head and realize that a clump of it has gotten out of the scarf it was under and I hastily push it back in as Maaz slowly starts to stand up.

"Uhm OUCH!" He yells rubbing his eyes, Laith pats his head and says, "sorry pal."

"Is your hair made of gold or something?!" He mumbles glancing at me and then scowling at Laith.

"Yes, and you will never see it." Lai says squinting his eyes at Maaz.

Maaz smirks and says, "what if I've already seen it."

I slap my forehead just as Laith growls and pounces right onto Maaz taking them both down and onto the bed. I sigh as I watch the scene unfold. Maaz somehow has gotten on top of Laith and forces him to take the stance of a horse, he sits right on top of Laith and yells at the top of his lungs, "gitty up horsey!!"


Laith slumps down and sucker punches Maaz right in the shoulder, avoiding a collision with the floor Maaz jumps and he somehow flies all the way to my bed, half of his body tumbles onto me and I fall back screaming.

"GET OFF! Woah your stomach is hard! WAIT WHAT NO NO NO GET OFF GET OFF ASTAGHFIRULLAH, ASTAGHFIRULLAH!!" I yell pushing at Maaz.

He laughs and flops around until he's free from my comforter and me, we both turn to Laith and he stands there with the most angriest expression ever.

"You're the one who threw me on her," Maaz says with a grunt and crossing his arms above his chest, "go to a time out right now. You know your not allowed to throw me onto your sister! How much times do I have to tell you." He bursts out with an angry mother tone.

Laith looks dazed as he walks towards the corner and starts mumbling, "I will not throw men on my sister again," Maaz scowls as he yells, "INNOCENT GOOD LOOKING MEN!"

Laith sighs and repeats his lines, "I will not throw innocent good looking men on my sister again, I will not throw innocent good looking men on my sister again." This continues for a few more minutes before he finally comes to his senses.

"Wait. What the hell am I doing?!" Laith says shaking his head and rubbing his eyes.

"You were sleep walking, and dreaming out loud." Maaz quickly whispers into his ears as I stay sitting there, very confused. What just happened.

"Oh okay. Weird but okay. Anyways who's hungry?" Laith says all chirpy as if nothing very drastic just happened a few minutes ago.

I raise my hand as Maaz does the same and after every one of us gets properly dressed we all head down to the café.

As we wait for the elevator and Laith is engrossed in his phone, Maaz leans over and whispers, "so you finally got a feel of those abs eh Rainy bear?" I scowl and hit him really hard in the shoulder.

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