In which she hates on Dr.Phil and gets pissed

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Rania's pov :

"I came in like wrecking ball! I did something to your walls! Yes I don't know the rest of the words to this awful song!!" I sing loudly in tone as I spin around my dark room picking up random pieces of paper on the way.

"RANIA BE QUIET IM TRYING TO WATCH DR.PHIL!" I roll my eyes as my older brothers voice booms up the stairs. Throwing all the scraps into the garbage can, I hum quietly as I pick up my drawing pad and head downstairs.

"Dr.phil is bald and useless, he always makes his clients sweat buckets, not to mention the suspense he holds." I sit across from my brother, Laith, and pull my knees into my chest holding the notebook in front of me with my pencil tilted right, I clear my throat and imitate a gruff voice continuing my view of Dr.Phil, "the results are in.... Five years later.... You are not the father! Bam everyone's happy except for the stupid woman who thought he was."

"I stopped listening after bald and useless." He mutters running a hand through his hair, I roll my eyes and say, "of course you did, now hold that pose, I wanna draw it." He groans and says, "but my arms going to hurt."

I quickly start sketching his form and say, "I'll do it quick you wimp, but this is inspirational. I'll call it 'the man with the arm'. Gorgeous. Extravagant. A work of art." I mutter with a smirk as I finish off the circles and squares, I start designing inside them as he says, "why thank you, I am a work if art aren't I--" I quickly cut him off but keep my eyes on my paper, "I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about how it'd turn out."

I hear him grumble before a smirk takes his lips, "well I'll be the main figure so technically you did call me all that." I slow clap for him with a serious face, "wow, mashallah you're so smart, are you sure you aren't related to Albert Weinstein?" He glares at me and I grin, "it's Einstein you dumbo, now seriously hurry up my arms in pain."

"Of course it's Einstein, I was referring to his dumb cousin, Albert Weinstein. Sarcasm Laith sarcasm, get with the program." I sketch out the the rest and decide to let him out of his misery, "alright you can put it down now." I say and he breaths a sigh of relief rubbing his arm.

My brothers fairly built up and I knew he was lying about the pain, I once saw him do about fifty chin ups and that is indeed impressive. He's older than me by six years and has been my legal guardian since the age of seventeen when our parents moved all the way across the world to run their firm. I had been fairly upset but realized they hadn't even taken care of me properly when they were here. The amount of times my brother stayed home to watch me instead of hanging with his friends showed the real love.

Even with the six year gap we both had the same looks, brown hair and hazel eyes, our eyelashes long and thick inherited from our middle eastern background and our skin light. He did gain the height though while I stayed at my 5,3 point, him reaching nearly up to 6 feet.

Laith gets up and stretches a bit before walking over towards me and placing a big kiss on my forehead. "I'm heading out to the gym, don't go anywhere and if Maaz appears put your hijab on."

"Ugh I dislike him so much," I grumble out as I shade in the features of my brothers body. I change the face structure so it doesn't look like him and continue sketching his hair out. "Yeah well he is our neighbour and his mother makes the best hummus in the world and even though I hate how his rooms window is right next to yours you'll have to take precautions. I trust you to do that Rania."

I nod and he ruffles my hair before picking up his jacket and tossing it over his shoulders. He grabs his Nike sling bag and says salaam walking out the door to his precious red corvette. I sit in the silence the only sounds of my pencil moving across the paper.

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