In which they break the bed

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*warning*- read at own risk and if any of you haram police start doing your thing I will personally chop your fingers off :) ok I won't do that but be aware!


"How did that even happen?" Maaz mumbles as he plops an arm around me, leaning all his weight on me.

"I told you that you were going up and down too hard," I mumble out as we both inspect the cracked bed frame.

"You were the one that was moving and writhering so much though..." He mumbles as he goes over and leans down to inspect the damage.

"I was not writhering." I huff out and he chuckles.

"Oh well, we can just get a new one tomorrow." He says and then walks over to me, he wraps his arms around my waist and I lean my head back as I say, "now can I please go change, this dress is getting itchy." He laughs and let's me go.

When he brought me to the bedroom, we did what any just married couple would do.

We jumped up and down on the bed.

"Here's your suitcase," Maaz says as he reappears through the door. I put it down and grab my clothes from it before looking around.

"Uh where should I change?" I ask putting a finger to my mouth. Maaz smirks and leans back into the black sofa that matched with the rest of the rooms color theme. "Right where you're standing Rainy."

I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom. He moans for me to come back but I laugh him off and close the door after me.

I unwrap my hijab, surprised that it still stayed intact even after all the jumping we did. I brush my loose waves and fluff them up a bit.

I struggle to reach the zipper of my dress and once I do I tug hard but it just won't budge. Wow, what a a cliché moment. I gather up the courage and call out to Maaz.

"Maaz? Can you come help me with this dress please?" I say wringing my clammy fingers.

I hear his deep chuckle from behind the door and no later he says, "sure, come on out."

I blush and unlock the door, I step out and don't meet his eyes as I close it behind me. I finally look up to find him with his suit jacket off, his tie loosely on his neck and the first three buttons of his top opened.

His eyes hood over, the blue crystals become darker as I walk towards him. He smiles once I'm an inch away and gently turns me around.

Maaz's slowly runs a hand through my hair and pushes it aside as he tugs me closer so I'm right against his chest and I can feel his hot breath on the nape of my neck. He places a gentle kiss in the exact spot that curls my toes, my eyes close on themselves as he gently and painfully slowly unzips me.

His fingers feel cold against my warm skin, the zipper finally comes to an end, right above my tailbone, he turns me around, "thank you," I manage to whisper out, he winks at me with his famous grin and puts his hand on my neck bringing me closer.

The dress is slipping off my shoulders and I try non-heartedly to get out of his grasp but he wraps an arm around my waist and keeps me in his hold. "So your hair actually is golden.." He says as he wraps a finger around one of my curl before letting it bounce back to its place.

"Well it's actually light brown but maybe it's the lighting in the room or--" my words get cut off as his warm lips press against my mouth, blocking my words completely.

At first I'm in shock and barely move but when his hand slides lower I blink out of my trance and start to kiss him back with as much urgency as he's giving. His lips are soft yet rough. He groans against my lips as I fist my fingers into his hair.

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