In which there's alot of blushing and awkwardness

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*not edited- sorry*

I feel a cool liquid being splashed over my face and I begin to cough madly when a few drops enter my nose, blocking my air passage.

Somebody hits my back a few times as they sit me up, I blink and rub my eyes looking around at the seven alarmed faces. "What happened?" I groggily ask as Maaz's grandma continues smacking my back.

Maaz sighs and pulls his grandma away from me. His sisters and his mother are beaming at me as I start remembering. I suddenly gasp and stand up when it all comes back to me, "I'M GETTING MARRIED TO MAAZ?!"

Laith nods and pats my head, "that is, if you want to."

I shrug as I turn to Maaz, "do you want to?"

He looks me in the eye and says, "I don't know, do you want to?"

"I asked first."

"I asked second."

"Do you want to?! Or do you want to."

"I'm hungry."

"Same." I say feeling my stomach churn, he glances at the kitchen and then at me saying, "want a Nutella sandwich?"

I nod and begin to follow him to the kitchen when we're both suddenly pulled back by our shirts.

"Oh no no no, you two aren't going anywhere until you're married!" Mahum says pulling us back onto the sofa, I blush when my knee brushes his and move down the sofa a bit. Laith see's this and sighs while smirking a bit.

"Okay now we are all here as witnesses, witnesses in seeing that you both are head over heels for each other." Maira begins.

Maaz looks down at his feet and then says, "but I'm not wearing heels." I laugh as his grandma then quickly runs away and comes back with a pair of heels in her hands, she bends down and pushes them onto Maaz's feet, they barely fit on as she says, "there you go my little ball of sunshine."

Maaz kisses her cheek and says thank you before gesturing for Maira to continue, "like I was saying, you guys are in love and are blind to it so go on, tell each other how much you love the other."

Maaz and I awkwardly glance at each other before looking away. He throws the heels off and stands up, whispering something to his mom.

She quickly nods and then begins to round everyone up and ushering them out the door, Laith yells out before he leaves the room, "NO TOUCHING!"

The door to the living room is closed and we sit there in silence as the clock to the right of us ticks.

"Uhm." I begin to say at the same time he says, "so.."

We both look away again and cough to hide the awkwardness. "I think they're just messing around with us, uh don't feel pressured or anything cuz I know like uh you can't love me and stuff so uh--"

"Why can I not?" He says turning to face me and raising one of his eyebrow. I blush from the sudden attention and feel him smirking beside me, "uh well 'cuz you can't." Is my reply as he leans in closer.

I push him away be using the pillow and he chuckles, "I think it happened on the mango truck," he starts off while smiling gently and looking away, "you looked like an absolute angel while sleeping, I felt something in my chest that I've never felt before and I knew what it was but I kept denying it. The way you smile at my jokes, the way you glare when I do something stupid and especially the way you blush whenever I wink at you," he winks at me and of course I blush, he lets a little chuckle out before looking me in the eyes and saying, "I love you Rainy."

I blink to keep the tears at bay, a grin appears on my face as I hastily wipe at my eyes, "I love you too Maaz." A grin the size of Mexico appears on his face and I tag along as we stare each other in the eyes.

The door suddenly slams open ruining our moment, Maaz's side of the family is jumps around and dancing while my brother is sobbing and coming over to bear hug me.

I hug him hard and sniffle into his shoulder as Maaz's mom hugs him. He smiles at me over her shoulder and I smile back.

We are then seated again as Maaz's mom beams and says, "let's have a small wedding shall we?" We all nod in agreement and Laith says, "at our house?" We all nod again.

My head feels like a bobble head as I keep nodding at whatever they say. I just want to be wed to him already. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would ever think that and now here am I. Grinning in excitement as Maaz keeps looking over and smiling at me.

"I'll call our father right now, he is due to come back in a few days too so how about then yeah?" Mahum says as she walks over to the phone, on the way she hugs me tight and whispers, "I'm so glad it's you." I hug back even tighter and then she goes and calls Maaz's father.

Their mom looks at Laith and me and smiles a sad smile, "would you like to inform your parents?" Laith gives me a side hug as my grin immediately drops. He shakes his head and does the talking, "nah they never told us when they'll be coming back and they hate leaving their business, so it's alright aunty lets just do it with your family side."

Aunty hugs us both with tears in her eyes and Maaz gives me an encouraging smile.

The night soon rolls in and as everyone starts yawning, Laith decides it's time for us to head to our house. The wedding is settled with being in four days (a day after Maaz's day comes back) and it will only be us with a couple of their relatives.

"Are you happy Rania?" Laith says as he is about to leave my room and let me rest, I nod and kiss him on the cheek before saying, "you're the best brother anyone could ever wish for Laith, thank you."

"Anytime kiddo, goodnight." He smiles and closes the door after me, he soon pops his head back in and says, "no sneaki over to Maaz's room through the window." I roll my eyes but nod anyways.

His rooms light is still off and a few minutes later it reopens. I see him open the window and push his head out, I hear my name being called and with a giddy smile I quickly wrap a scarf around my head and open my own window. He smiles at me and I smile back as he says, "wanna talk?"

I shrug as I sit on my window sill,"about what?"

He copies my actions and sits across from me, with his legs dangling out the window, "let's get to know each other better."

"Okay, what's your favourite color?" I ask with a smile.

"Any color that you wear is my fav color." He says cheekily as I blush and laugh.

Our entire night goes on like that, with Maaz being cheeky, learning more about each other and laughing till the break of dawn when the birds start chirping.


It's Wednesday, like I promised :)

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