In which they set off

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Maaz stares at me with a look in his eyes but before he can say anything Aladdin wakes up with a groan. "Why are you two up so early in the morning?" He grumbles out run I a hand through his curly black locks.

"Rania tried to kill me," Maaz states with a childish touch to his voice, I scoff and say, "I told you it was Abu!"

"Since when did Abu have feet the size of Kansas and perfect aim to my gorgeous face?!" He replies back rubbing at his sort of red cheekbone.

"Woah woah woah, let's talk about this okay? Alright so, Rania why did you try to kill Maaz?" Aladdin says leaning against the mud dry wall and crossing his arms. He had a serious look on his face but beneath that there was a hint of amusement.

"I did not try to kill him, I was uh fixing my scarf and he was waking up so I sort of like ninja kicked him in the face maybe?" I say in embarrassment, realization crosses Maazs face but it quickly vanishes as he grumbles, "well you could've just told me instead of being violent..."

"Yeah.." I mutter, Aladdin suddenly stands up gasping really dramatically, "you guys actually agreed on something, oh my god is the world ending, I'm so confused."

I shrug as Maaz smirks, "Rania secretly loves me, she agrees with everything I say but hides it with lies."

"Yeah right, in your dreams." I scoff out, Aladdin starts looking around with a look of worry in his eyes, "have you guys seen Abu?" My eyes trail the small house but there's no sign of the little furry animal.

Maaz whispers something on the lines of 'thank the lord' to himself and Aladdin shoots him an amused glare, "ahh there you are buddy," Maaz moves away as slowly as Abu reappears somehow and makes his way to Aladdin, "where were you hiding?" He speaks to the monkey as if he could reply, I chuckle when Aladdin nods and let's Abu go.

"Uhm not to be rude or anything and break your little family time with uh your monkey but are we getting back home?" Maaz asks turning towards Aladdin, my ears perk up at the sound of home as a bunch of thoughts suddenly jumble into my head.

Laith is probably dead worrying, or maybe he thinks I'm not coming at all, or maybe he called the police and they're out there looking for me...or us. I wonder if Maaz's mom is worried, her son was supposed to return on that day, late at night but still on that day--

"Hellooo Rainy?? Are you still with us?" I blink out of my daze as Maaz's slender fingers snap themselves in my face, I push them away and say, "yeah yeah I'm here," Aladdin nods and says, "okay so do you guys know what route you were taking?"

I shrug as Maaz says, "no.." Aladdin chuckles and says, "well do you have a map?"

We both keep quiet as Aladdin raises his eyebrow at us, "funny story you see..." Maaz says awkwardly rubbing at his neck, "long story short, a kangaroo ate it then our car rolled upside down and into a ditch and then we walked."

Aladdin nods trying to hide his laughter, "okay uhm how about I take you back to the main road and we'll see from there, it's going to be a long way so we'll have to pack some things.....have you guys ever ridden a camel?"

My eyes widen in fear as Maaz starts laughing, "not a camel please tell me we aren't going to ride on camels there pleaseee."

"Well it's either that or kangaroos, don't worry they won't bite I've trained them well." Aladdin says proudly but I still shake my head, Maaz is still laughing as he says, "fourth grade." Before laughing more.

I glare at him really hard, "don't you dare say anything Maaz." I seethe out once he quiets down a bit, "what happened in fourth grade.." Aladdin asks with an eyebrow raised. I shake my head quickly and am about to say something when Maaz suddenly puts his palm to my mouth and quickly says, "we went to a petting zoo and there were camels there and this huge camel spit right onto her head-- OUCH!"

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