In which the questioning begins

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As Laith's voice booms over the large group of people everyone stays silent and stay in their seats. Even the little kids seem to have gone quiet and if you listen closely you can probably hear a needle drop.

Maaz and I share a look before turning back and meeting the eyes of Hulk in his raging mode.

I wince as my brother's glares pierce right through me, I hear Maaz do the same as Laith's gaze wavers over to him.

I share another look with Maaz and he nods, before anyone can even notice we both turn around and start sprinting back through the doors.

"WHY THE HELL DID WE DO THAT?" I yell as I hear Laith gasp and start running after us.

"I DON'T KNOW, WE'RE GONNA BE MORE SCREWED NOW." He makes a quick right and I follow too, I look behind just in time to see Laith crash into the wall.

"OH SHIZZLENITS MAAZ WAIT THE PREDATORS DOWN!" I yell as I grab the back of his shirt to make him stop running, he tumbles back slightly before collecting himself and giving me a weary look and  whispering, "what if its an act, he could jump up any moment. Have you not seen season two of National Geographic? The stinky lions do the same thing to the innocent deer's."

I slap the back of his head and cautiously walk towards my brother.

Far away the sounds of music can be heard and if I'm not mistaken, a bride is crying.

"Wait!" I stop and turn around giving Maaz a look, "what?"

He comes and stands beside me before whispering, "lemme poke at him first, just so its me that gets attacked and not you," he gives me a cheeky grin before taking one of his shoe off and tiptoeing towards my brother on the ground.

I roll my eyes but follow him, Laith is still lying in the same position but tiny groans escape his mouth. "Hey look he's drooling a bit," I say pointing to his mouth and releasing a giggle, Maaz notices too and we slowly laugh to ourselves.

Maaz leans down and pokes Laith in the side with his shoe. He does it one more time before he turns to look at me and says, "maybe he's dea----ARHGHHGHSG," I gasp as Laith suddenly jumps up and locks Maaz in a headlock and they both tumble to the floor. 

Maaz starts writhering and is almost out when Laith grabs his ankles. "GO RANIA. LEAVE ME. SAVE YOURSELF!"

I give them both one more glance before saying, "okay bye!!" I'm about to run away when he sputters out again. "YOU DUMBO I WAS KIDDING NOW SAVE ME!"

I sigh and instead of doing anything to save him I sit down in front of them waiting for their rolling around to end.

They grunt and push each other a little more as I continue to sit there and stare.

"Are you two done yet?" I ask with a bored glance as they keep rustling and jumping on each other.

"NO!" I stumble back slightly a they both yell this at me at the same time. "Okay then take your time."

After a few minutes they both start breathing heavily as if they just went to the gym and after a few shoves Maaz and Laith sit across from me.

I give them a few minutes to collect themselves before beginning to speak.

"I'm hungry." I say.

"Yeah same. Feed us before you kill us please oh dear Laithy." Maaz says as he continues trying to fix his limp hair.

"Do you know how worried I was?" Laith begins giving me the expression a parent gives to a child, he looked like he was relieved yet at the same time wanted to smash both our skulls into the ground.

I awkwardly look away and before I know it, I'm crushed into my brother's arms. I hug him back with as much force and sniffle to keep the tears at bay. "Please don't do anything like this ever again Rania." I nod into his shoulder as he rubs my back.

"Can I join?" Maaz says and Laith laughs before taking one arm off of me and wrapping it around him.

Maaz's shoulder brushes mine and I lean closer to Laith as he looks us both in the eye. "Now who's gonna explain everything."

He let's us both go and sits across from us, Laith gives me a look before giving Maaz the same look, "one thing. You two aren't married or anything are you?"

  We both quickly shake our heads and Maaz says, "we didn't elope."

"Then...where the hell were you for three days??" Laith says crossing his arms over his chest.

"Australia." Maaz says and I give a slight chuckle before stopping when Laith glares at me.

"I want a full explanation. Now." Laith says bringing on his stern look.

"Okay okay we'll explain." I say, "so to begin with, I'm at fault because I didn't wake up on time. But then again if you could've just take me with you this wouldn't have happened." I ignore Laith's glare and continue, "so Maaz's mom said one of his sisters could drive me so I agreed but then none of them were home so I got stuck with Maaz."

"Which anyone would love." Maaz says with a wink. I roll my eyes and continue, "so we accidently took a wrong turn, and then our car fell into a ditch, a kangaroo ate our map, we met a dude named Aladdin and no he didn't have a genie. He had a monkey though.." I say getting  a  bit lost in thought.

Maaz continues for me, "the monkey hated me, just putting that out there. SO he helped us for a bit and then told us to wait for a mango truck. While we were waiting a snake came out of nowhere and bit Rania's ankle."

I showed Laith the wound and he scrunched his eyebrows, "we'll take you to a doctor later, continue."

"So we see the truck after waking up and it's going fast." Maaz says before stopping, I give him a look before remembering what he did after that.

"Okay so?" Laith asks suspiciously.

Maaz gulps and quickly says, "since Rania couldn't walk I picked her up and threw her onto the truck."

Laith is quiet for a few seconds before he bursts, "YOU PICKED HER UP? AS IN YOU TOUCHED HER? WITH YOUR HANDS?

"No with my feet," Maaz says and I laugh.

We both stop laughing though as Laith growls and rubs a hand over his face, "alright just continue."

"Then we got kicked off because the driver thought we were having sex in the ba--"

"WHAT?!?!" Laith yells and I slap the back of Maaz's head, "SHUT UP LEMME DO THE TALKING."

"Laith calm down, the driver THOUGHT as in we weren't doing anything." I say calmly and he glares at Maaz before paying attention to me. "So we had missed the spot that we were supposed to get off at, and I couldn't walk without being in pain, so Maaz pulled me on his shirt."

Laith has a very confused look on his face but I continue, "we made it to a police station, the officer there wouldn't help us, that fat turd, so we stole the police car."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Laith says, standing up.

"Aye aye aye Laithy chill will ya man," Maaz says standing up too, I follow in suit as Laith rubs his hands over his face.

"I swear you two are something else." He says with a sigh.

Maaz and I share our special look and grin at each other before mumbling, "that we are."


another update will be up soon hopefully :)

Oh and guys this story isn't done yet, just because the journey's done doesn't mean the book's done, there's still a lot of actually a little but still something to come ;D

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