The Caramel Killer

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For Ruby and Lily, I swear I imagine the girls from Charlie's Angels. The new movie, not the original, doe. Kristen Stewart as Ruby, myb then Naomi Scott as Lily... I guess, idk it's what my brain somewhat sees atm sooooo anyway imagine whoever u want I wz never here 😅

Been a month. Welp, I have strong writer's block and exams for the next 2 weeks so don't expect an early update for the next chapter, trying my best over here 😂

And now my exams r over and shit I genuinely thought I published this omfg- you can thank @Bubblebrows for typing that I should update cos I swear I had this chapter ready weeks ago *le facepalm* 🙈

Venoma walked down the halls of H.Y.D.R.A.'s facilities, wondering what part of the world she would be heading to, next. She caught the eye of one of the guards, noticing she was staring at the one beside her and her interest was piqued. Random female guard number one seemed to hesitate for a moment and Venoma hummed to herself as her gaze 'discreetly' slip down her cleavage for a second.

"Hi, there. My body is beautiful, I know."

"M-Miss Venoma, I'm sorry, didn't mean to- that was dumb of me-"

"No, no, don't apologise. You've got the kind of face I'd love to spend the night with... On... I guess you get the point." Her gaze shifted to her partner, random female guard number two and Venoma decided to stare that one down for a moment, amused when she didn't back down. It came as a surprise so she decided to give her a surprise of her own.

"Hey, this might seem like more of a question for the third date... Ruby - beautiful name, by the way - but have you ever been in love? I would love to get their name, if so. Most people have, really, even if they don't realise it." Venoma brushed some of her stray little locks back and Ruby's expression changed. "Ruby, you know you can talk to me, right? Don't be scared. You can tell me anythi-"

"Lily. Lilian Zurich." Venoma turned to random female guard number two; her clear shock showing that as she guessed, she was the Lily in question. She pouted and held Ruby's jaw, not taking her eyes off Lily as she spoke.

"Ruby, what's holding you back, dear?"

"She... I believe she's straight." The woman in control glanced at Lily, chuckling at her startled expression.

"Really...? Well it's too bad I don't give a shit. I bet you've dreamed of this a long time so I'm going to be nice today. Kiss her. And don't stop till I tell you." Some agents were staring but a glance from Venoma turned them away, fearing they could be her next victim. Contrary to popular belief, she wasn't doing it to get off - in as much as Ruby was a very good kisser. She only wanted to understand. Humans were such strange things, particularly when it came to romantic feelings.

"Lily? Ooh, Lillian, damn..." It seemed the girl had gotten lost in the pleasure and couldn't hear a thing she said. "Ruby, take a step back, dear. I set you free of my hold. I just want to know how your friend could lie to your face that she's straight when she so fucking enjoyed that. Now once I get her under my control, that'll help her admit who she really is."

"Look, don't control her, okay? That isn't a power anyone should be able to have over anyone else. I swear I've only assumed she was straight, I never asked! Sh-she's just never responded to anything I hint so it seemed clear to me. Even if she isn't what I guessed, it would be cruel to out her. I'm sorry, okay? It's my fault but leave her be, dammit, the boss is waiting for you in there you should show her more respect-"

"Lily?" She knew her face was morphing as she said her name, wondering curiously who Lily saw standing before her. She already could guess but she only wanted confirmation. "How are you? Have you eaten? Drank enough water, today? How was your day, huh? I heard the recruits are getting the grind of a lifetime-"

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