Unmasking a Superhero

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Introducing Melissa McCarthy as Theresa Hogan! You'll meet her later in this chapter so keep your eyes peeled =)

Ps. Where did that expression even come from? It would be beyond painful to peel my eyes. Anyway, back to the book...

When Gwen left the party, she went to see Harry in the asylum. He had been sent there rather than facing life imprisonment for killing his father due to mental health issues. She asked for him, trying her best to ignore the fear and warning in the eyes of the guards before they brought him out.

"So, Gwen, you've come to see me. How strange..." she stared at Harry through the glass. He was wearing a straight jacket, a literal straight jacket and his hair was stuck to his forehead and the back of his neck due to sweat. Yet, he bore a sadistic grin on his face as he watched her, but only for a moment before it became an actual smile. She still found herself momentarily thinking he looked hot and shook her head to get the thought out of her mind. I seriously need to get my bloody brain checked, something must be blocking my ability to make sense. "Thank you, Gwen."

"N-no problem, Harry. I mean, no offence but what's... wrong with you?" She winced the moment it slipped out of her mouth, the cold chuckle that echoed through her ears from him forcing her lips shut.

"Me? Absolutely nothing. Just a little case of Dissociative Identity Disorder, as they call it. Now, I hear you know the whereabouts of Spiderman. You two used to date, right?" Used to? More like are dating. Shoot, I should go find that guy. We haven't been in the magazines in a week, now. She frowned, leaning back unconsciously when he leaned forward, gazing at her devilishly through the glass. She hated the way his voice had gone from its usual calming, sweet tone to a deliberately higher, slower pace like he was teaching a stupid child. It also sent chills down her spine when she heard it, making her feel an urge to run. He saw her change in demeanour and his eyes widened. "No! Don't leave, Gwen! I have M.P.D but look! Other than that, I'm normal! T-totally fine!"

"I won't leave, Harry." She wanted to reach out through the glass and hug him. He looked so afraid as he spoke that it reminded her of herself and her deepest fear; being surrounded by people she didn't know like he was at that moment in the asylum. "I just wanted to make sure we're cool, you know? I know we weren't exactly the closest when you set the bomb so I just wanted to make sure that we're still friends-"

"You should shut up more often, blondie." He leaned closer to the glass, observing her. How she winced under his gaze. There was nothing the Goblin loved more than watching humans cower in fear of his greatness, although, if it was Spiderman instead, that would definitely take the cake. "I can see through you, Miss Stacey. I know what you're hiding."

"Hiding? Harry, I don't have any secrets. Everyone even knows that my father died, like yours did before I moved here and I just thought we could bond over that. P-please stop looking at me like that." You don't know a thing about me, Harold Osborne. Truth be told, no one does.

"Like what? My name is Goblin, first of all. Get it right. Hopefully, Harry will be gone soon and I can take over his body. Then you and your precious beau will have nowhere to run or hide because I will find you. I got Harry's father first and it wasn't hard to take him out so it won't be long before this mere boy bows to my every whim!" His eyes darkened as he muttered the last words. She sucked in a deep breath, cursing herself for coming in the first place and rose to leave. She noticed the change, once again, and knew it was the Harry she knew that was facing her. "Gwen! Gwen, please. Don't... don't listen to anything he says. It's just a... a coping mechanism, alright? I can't control... This. I don't know what's happening. It's kind of like the one you use because of your own father's death."

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