Onto Something

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MJ turned away once she heard Peter mutter a soft "wow" as he entered the private jet. She had been waiting for him to enter but now that he was in, being the last of her fellow passengers, she stuck her earphones in and scrolled through her social media. She rubbed her eyes, silently hoping no one would approach her.

She had organised the whole thing but she regretted trying to be nice to them. She didn't want to spend another second with her 'friends' but she was going to stick herself on an island with them in the middle of the ocean. Like the idiot she was, her voice added slyly. She grinned drily to herself and whispered "good one", jumping when a voice beside her asked, "good what?"

Turned her head slightly, Liz Toomes' lovely visage was found hovering beside her seat. She looked from Liz's curious expression to Peter, rolling her eyes when he mouthed that he couldn't say no to her.

Okay, he did not just do what I think he did. Did he bring the girl you think he cheated on you with on your trip?

Venom? I really want to kill someone right fucking now. Until my period is over, I just need you to help me by being silent because- great. I want to stab myself now. Thanks.

Come on, babe, that isn't me making you feel like this. That's that voice thing in your head.

MJ scowled and balled her hands into fists. She had fucked up and she hated it. Going on a trip with them had to be the dumbest thing she would ever do.

"Hey, MJ. Thanks for the invite-"

"Thanks for coming when I didn't extend you an invite, Toomes." Liz arched an eyebrow at her and MJ shrugged back, gazing down at her laps. She waited for Liz to walk away and let out a soft breath, rubbing her brows. She missed Harry so much st that moment. She had a feeling he would have approached her and helped her calm down a bit, possibly even given her some advice if he was still out and about. Why hadn't she spent more time with him?

Running low on steam, she rose to her feet and moved towards the lounge to get ice cream from the bar, cursing when she bumped into someone. She half expected it to be Michael in another one of his disguises, seeing as he had used those to help her out at different times. He had played paramedic in Washington to fix her arm during the near-bombing. He had acted the part of a nurse named Jeremy when their mother was dying and lastly, his finest act was being the version of himself he was on the inside. The version that made his terrifying, fucked-up other half seem to not exist.

He might have been crazy but MJ honestly enjoyed her brother's company. She suddenly found herself thinking of all the male friends she had been close to who were like older brothers to her. Venom, Flash, Harry and Mickey J had been there for her through some difficult times. She couldn't add Peter to the list because sadly, her ex still meant so much more to her. With a partly bitter and partly grateful exhale, she shut her eyes and nodded off.

"Hey... stop... it... fuck off, bro...!" MJ grumbled, finally opening her eyes. Peter waved at her and she narrowed her eyes at him, feeling weirdly proud of herself when he jumped back. "I still got it, huh?" She asked with tiredness in her voice.

"I guess so. The plane landed some minutes ago. The Oastark is really pretty so I thought it would be a good idea to take you down there instead of leaving you to sleep till the pilot flew back to New York. I'm guessing I made the wrong choice, huh?" MJ sighed long and hard. She didn't want to get up. She gripped his collar and used all her energy to rise, patting his cheek and gesturing to her former seat.

"Settle your ass there. I'm gonna go use the toilet for a sec then you can carry me to see the lovely Oastark, alright?" He arched an eyebrow at her, watching her sluggish movements as she made her way to the door. She was acting even more nonchalant and disinterested than usual, leading him to the conclusion that she was either ill or on her period, possibly both. When she finally walked out, she jumped when she saw he was still there, waiting for her. "What are you still doing here?"

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