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The day of the Halloween party dawned bright and clear, MJ struggling to keep her pain at bay. As usual, this one was worse than every other cycle she had suffered through and she was sure that it would only get worse. Will was planning on doing MJ's hair and makeup in school since their houses weren't very conducive and Gwen went over to his house to help him set up. MJ could see that something was going on between Gwen and Flash but she kept her thoughts to herself, not because she was jealous but because she wanted whatever it was to happen naturally. She thought of Flash as nothing more than a friend and she wished him the best of luck. The moment Will held a brush to her face, MJ karate chopped it.

"MJ, seriously girl? I'm trying to help you look good for your boo and you wanna fight? I did taekwondo up to the blue belt, let's go!" She balled her fists and shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her eyes fixed on MJ. She stopped when she saw Ned at the other side of the cafeteria and rose a hand to wave but he walked out, his eyes glued to the floor.

She frowned and sat down next to MJ, her face downcast. MJ noticed the look and nudged her, pointing secretly at Peter whose eyes were glued to their table from the popular table. She had a feeling they wouldn't let him back if he ever walked back to their table so she sent him a small nod but he looked away. "What the hell? Did Parker just straight up ignore your existence like Ned just did to me?"

"They're pissed because we're going to Flash's party. You and Ned should go together, actually! I can imagine your Halloween costumes! Ned as a dumpling and you an Irish potato. You know, cos your dad's from Ireland…" she stopped when she saw the hurt look on Will's face. MJ muttered out derogatory profanities to herself, wishing she hadn't opened her mouth. Her entire body was on fire, and it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. She put on a smile and put down her book, biting her lip when Will gazed at her coldly. "I'm sorry, Will. It's my damned flow again, it makes me a completely different person, I swear-"

"Harry's a completely different person. Peter used to be but he's coming back. You? You're still the same girl I met at the diner, MJ. But it's okay... I'm used to it." She picked up her things and put them in her bag, ignoring MJ's apologetic expression. I really need to stop letting people do this to me, Will thought to herself. She cleared her throat and grinned, already some feet away. "I'll see you at the party, you look better without makeup anyway. Peter certainly thinks so."

MJ wanted to get up and go after her, but she figured that Will needed some time to herself, far away from Michelle Jones and her bitchiness. Her eyes scanned her empty table and let out a small breath, massaging her temple with her index fingers.

She planned to stop by the lampost after school to see if Spidey was afoot. Maybe he could make her feel better about her horrible and bipolar self. He dropped chocolate bars for her whenever he couldn't make it which was pretty often of late with a message on where to meet next and the last place had been the lampost they first met at. She glanced at Peter for a fleeting moment, taking in the stress he was unable to hide on his face. His usual smile was replaced with a grim frown as he picked at the food on his tray with creases on his forehead. She got up and placed her hand on his shoulder for a brief second before walking past him.

He turned to see who had touched him, sighing as he watched MJ's figure go. From what he heard on the news, plus in the streets, there was a new villain in town named Doctor Octopus. He had to ask Liz's dad about the guy and from that visit, he could tell two things: he was trying to coax him into getting Liz back to the city and Doctor Octopus was one of the most intelligent villains he would ever face. He knew he couldn't bring Liz back, however. She was in a new city and had made friends. She even had a boyfriend, now. It was her choice to make, not his to pressure her into. Besides, we haven't talked for months now since she left. I only stalk her on social media like a creep- to check up on her in a totally non-creepy way.

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