Tell. Me. Everything.

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Trevor Jackson as Michael Jackson

"I... I have a boyfriend."

I know, right? Who would've thought?! Ugh, why are you smiling like that? It's creeping me out and I'm one of the creepiest things there is! MJ...! Venom whined in her mind, trying to get her to pull the lovesick smile off her face. She honestly wished she could but with Peter's arm around her and the happy glances he kept sending her way, she couldn't help it. Every time she tamed the grin, it crept back onto her face and stayed there. She knew one or two people would glance at them but not that many since they had both agreed during the holidays that they were both going to sit at the loser table with their friends. Needless to say, the decision made them both happy, particularly MJ who had had enough attention on her from strangers during her pretend relationship with Flash to last a lifetime. She knew she wasn't exactly close to any one of them but she was willing to put in a little effort to change that.

During lunch, they both walked over to their table where Ned and Will were already seated at after Peter gave MJ a quick pep talk about making up with her friend. Will stared unblinkingly at them both when she noticed Peter's hand protectively placed at the small of her back and MJ glaring at him playfully while Ned's mouth just hung open. Will finally broke the silence by gesturing at them wildly while using the most incredulous voice she could muster to ask, "when did this happen? And why wasn't I informed that my ship had finally sailed?"

"I would've spilt but MJ made me promise to make it a surprise. I really wanted to tell you guys but I just couldn't say no to her." MJ smirked when Will shook her head in her direction.

"For shame, woman. For. Shame." Will then proceeded to stand up from Ned's side and tap her foot impatiently as she stared at Peter, smiling gratuitously when he got up before she sat down beside MJ. She nudged her, wiggling her eyebrows at the biracial girl who groaned inwardly and out loud while Peter sat next to Ned then did the long but awesome handshake with him. Meanwhile, Will was gazing into MJ's soul with her hands on her shoulders as she said, "tell. Me. Everything."

"I'm really sorry I didn't tell you, man," Peter began, rubbing his shoulder. Ned was his best friend and after all the things that had happened in the months the year before that he had distanced the Korean-American, he really wanted to get their friendship right back to where it was and hoped he didn't offend Ned in any way.

"Are you kidding? You obeyed your girlfriend. That was the smart thing to do by far. Seriously though, I'm proud of you. We've all been waiting for this moment for a while, I can't wait for Gwen to see this - if she ever even comes to school - cos she and Will are definitely gonna freak out together over you two." Peter frowned, scratching the back of his neck.

Seeing Gwen in school had become a very rare thing indeed. She came for the tests and exams, always passing with flying colours but every chance she could get, she was with Harry in the asylum. Peter understood that she cared for the ginger, probably a lot more than she actually thought she did but still, he was worried because she had gotten kicked off all her extra-curricular activities and she always shrugged things off whenever they asked her online how she was coping, pressing on with the lie that she was okay.

"Girl, how?!" Will squealed, unable to hide her excitement as she gestured at both of them.

"What do you want to know, exactly?"

"The beginning? The end? As I said, I wanna know everything! Okay, first question... how did he ask you to be his bae?" MJ shook her head when Peter rose an eyebrow at both of them at the sound of the last word. She flipped him off with an overly polite smile, snickering to herself when he pressed his hand against his chest, taken aback. She turned to Will after this, her eyebrows arched. A small smile formed on her face when she remembered.

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