PB with that Jelly

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The gang was casually hanging out at the school theatre waiting for Will so they could practise the play with the addition of the usually cool and collected Michael Jackson. He had gone from just being MJ's side friend that Peter hardly knew nor cared about to popping up wherever they went. Now, he was so often with them, although he was usually deep in thought, that Peter had to deal with noticing his closeness with MJ. Everyone else was cool with him going around with them a bit since he was coming in during their last academic session but everyone - with the exception of MJ - could also sense the tension between Peter and Mike when they interacted.

The guy had only been in their school for a month, yet, he and MJ were already being overly sarcastic together and laughing together. Once, Peter even found that they were sharing earphones and Peter was outraged because MJ preferred to use headphones which completely surrounded the ears, sending them into a melodious coma that was too good to wake from. Yet, she had put an earbud in her ear from a guy she barely knew like it was nothing.

"Hey, Pete! Remind me how you pronounced croissant last week," MJ said suddenly, looking up from her phone. He deadpanned and she pouted, tugging his arm gently. She rubbed her nose against his to bribe him but he didn't move a muscle. She then blinked multiple times, her eyelashes fluttering as she attempted to look adorable. "Pwease, Pedro?"

"I'm not so sure..." She trailed her finger up his arm, a seductive smile on her face that made Peter arch an eyebrow.

"I could always try being sexy instead and we could see how long you last before you get yourself a boner?" She whispered, laughing when he grabbed her wrist as she started going down from his shoulder to his chest. It felt like it was only both of them in the world as their eyes met until she squinted at him and stuck out her tongue tauntingly. She knew she had some sort of hold over him and she knew how to use it. For Peter, that was both dangerous and potentially going to be a lot of fun.

"You're always sexy... Though while you were busy blinking, I asked myself if you needed to see an ophthalmologist, just in case something was going wrong."

"Oh, wow... Haven't heard a burn like that since my non-existent great uncle told my non-existent great aunt she wasn't the bee's knees, she was the wasp's laps. You are a comedic genius, you know that?" She said slowly, her voice heavy with her sarcastic tone. Just to get her to drop the tone and speak like she usually did, he gave in, hanging his head in defeat.

"Fine... Quackson. I still don't remember doing this but yes, I said quackson." MJ giggled and he rolled his eyes, glaring playfully at her before walking over to Ned. Mike's eyes trailed away from MJ and he rose an eyebrow, leaning against the wall in silence as Peter and Ned did their weird handshake.

"You make her happy," he began, continuing as Peter came closer with furrowed eyebrows. "Surprisingly enough, you're good for her. With all the shit she's been through, she certainly deserves it."

"And what so-called shit has she been through that you know of, Mike?"

"Oh, nothing, really. Just what I've heard around and from her, Parker." There was no way MJ had opened up to Mike, was there? They had only known each other for a month. Peter was so stupefied by the notion that it took him a second or two to retort.

"What exactly do you mean by 'surprisingly' good for her?" Peter asked through gritted teeth.

"Well... I mean, look at her and look at you. Need I say more? Your chi must be strong because I could definitely see her with better."

"With you, right?"

"Me and MJ? First off, do you want some PB with that jelly all over your face? Second, she's a no-go zone for me for reasons that have nothing to do with you, one of which being that she just isn't my type."

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