Down With The Flu

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The moment MJ woke up, her bad mood settled upon her again. The day before, she and Peter were meant to go out on a date but he never showed up. She didn't even bother responding when she saw his texts or calls because he was the one who set it up, he was the one who reserved the restaurant table and he was the one who made her wait two long and awkward hours within a sea of strangers who sent her pitiful glances before she finally gave up on him.

Naturally, she sent him a text that explained how angry she was with as much calmness as she could muster, proceeding to call Mike up so they could hang out. She wasn't sure whether she did it to spite Pete because he wasn't a Mike fan or because Mickey J always found a way to make her feel better but he did make the day better. However, all the calls and texts she got from Peter dampened her mood and soon enough, she went back to her apartment.

She brushed her teeth so aggressively that Venom stretched out a hand from her back and gripped the brush before she hurt herself. After a long argument, MJ finally agreed to check her phone at the very least and at the same moment she picked it up, Ned texted her.

Hey, MJ 👋

If you plan on begging on Peter's behalf, don't bother.

Oh, great, you've forgiven him. Phew.

Actually, I meant that you shouldn't bother because that boy is dead to me.

Just kidding.

He can't be dead to me because when I see him, I'm gonna kill him.

Speaking of death... Hehe...

Oh my God. Ned, tell me it isn't what I think it is. He's okay, isn't he?

He isn't dead but I mean, he looks like he could be. Hold on, I'll show you what I mean. I'm good at explaining Star Wars but this is a whole different ball game.

Ned started a video chat and she joined in, shocked when he held the phone to show him sitting next to an incredibly sick Peter. His chocolate brown eyes had been deprived of their spark although he couldn't help the slight smile that graced his face when he saw her. There were bags under his eyes and he sniffed a little, sending her a lousy and excessive grin when he saw how horrified she looked. "Hey, M... Uh... I'm sorry I couldn't make it to our date, yesterday. I was really excited for it, you know, cos we were going to that restaurant to act like we were rich and fancy but we were just gonna have the mozzarella sticks, talk for a while and leave-"

He coughed loudly, covering his nose and mouth with his hand. Ned grimaced and jumped away from him, sending MJ a sheepish shrug and smile when she rose an eyebrow at him. He made Peter wipe his hands with some wet wipes before handing him his phone, walking out to give them some privacy. Peter reached towards the screen, tracing his fingers over Ned's screen and she sighed. "I really wish you were here so I could touch your hair. It always feels so comforting..."

"Well, your wish is my command." His eyebrows furrowed and she cleared her throat when a lump formed within it, sending him a watery smile. "I'm coming over. I'm coming over right now."

"But M...?!" He whined, rubbing his left eye. When she rolled her eyes, holding the phone as she riffled through the clothes in her closet, he said, "seriously, you could get sick, too. Michelle, stop looking for something to wear and listen to me!"

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