Stop Being Weird, Human

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MJ opened her eyes, sucking in a breath that made her sit up immediately. There was no faint whiff of alcohol, no yelling from outside her room. She felt peaceful. Happy, even. It took her a moment to remember that she was in Peter's apartment and she smiled to herself, smiling wider when she remembered that she had kissed Peter again the night before. She pushed away the bad things that had happened and fell right back into the inflatable mattress May had gotten Peter to blow for her, shutting her eyes as she snuggled into the thick blanket over her form. She took her time to get up and knocked on the toilet door, humming to herself until it opened. She had expected to see Aunt May and not Peter so she jumped slightly, sticking her tongue out childishly when he rose an eyebrow at her as he slipped on a plain black t-shirt.

"Morning, Pedro. What's for breakfast?" I wish it was your abs because those look absolutely delicious, MJ said, completely surprising herself. Her face burned and she let out a sigh of relief because she was a little too dark for a blush to show clearly, Venom chuckling within her mind. Peter shrugged in response to her question, scratching the back of his neck and she smiled at his awkwardness, starting to feel nervous herself as she remembered what had happened the night before. She had those lips on hers for so long that she was starting to hyperventilate just thinking about it. She folded her arms, leaning back on the wall opposite the door and said, "where's your aunt, Parkie boy?"

"Working. Thank goodness we still have a little more winter break time. We can... Hang out?" She nodded, bouncing back and forth from the balls of her feet to her toes.

"Yeah, sure." When he stood there, she sent him a small, slightly awkward smile as her gaze drifted towards the bathroom door. "Pete?"

"...yeah?" He mumbled as he gazed at her. He hadn't seen her so happy in a while. She giggled and nodded her head towards the door.

"I kinda need to go, dude." His cheeks flushed slightly and he stepped away from the doorway with a nod. He pecked her lips right as she gripped the door handle and sent her a small wave before rushing to the kitchen, MJ struggling to keep a smile off her face as she entered the restroom.

Ugh! Can't you just stop being weird, human? Is it normal for you creatures to smile for so long around other humans?

Only the ones we are crushing on so hard that we can't hide the joy but yeah, it's weird and I'm weird. Get used to it. By the way, I thought I told you that you're not allowed to speak to me in the toilet. And don't even think about complaining, you know exactly why. I'm a girl and you're male so it makes me feel very uncomfortable, Venom. Now hush!

His head receded into her neck and he growled at her, visibly irritated with the fact that his host didn't trust him completely. He didn't make a sound after this, however, seeing as she had already gone through a lot the day before and returned into her once again, deciding to wait to ask for food after she had done whatever she needed to do. She came out after freshening up about thirty minutes later, happy she could take her time and relax instead of bathing quickly in case her father appeared. She switched on her phone, curious about the news of the day but the one that got to her was an article of Doctor Octopus, the man who had kidnapped her and tried to use her to rule the world, dead by his own hands.

"What the actual flying fuck," she muttered with eyes with a width that rivalled Jupiter's.

"Are you done?! Breakfast's ready!" Peter yelled suddenly, making her jump. MJ shook her head as Venom complained mentally to her that Peter nearly gave him a heart attack, muttering '#midlifecrisis' to the symbiote which began to tell her off immediately for trying to assume he was so old. She snickered and walked up to the kitchen counter, giggling when she noticed the pancakes Peter had made for her.

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