Gummy Bear

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MJ was at Peter's apartment. The day before, after two breathtaking kisses, she figured that she wasn't even close to over him, yet. Facing all the memories they shared at his apartment was already a struggle, she didn't want an addition of their moments at hers so instead of having him pop in like he had said he would, she was going to get it from him and head out. It was only logical.

She was standing in his kitchen, videocalling Harry while taking out one from his stash of chocolate bars when Peter came in. "Hey, MJ...?"

MJ let out a grunt and ducked under the table, mouthing a frantic and desperate "help me" to her ginger-haired friend. She heard footsteps, sighing when Peter continued speaking as he moved towards her. "Nice to see you too. I was going to tell you something important, yesterday but then shit happened- and I mean shit as in stuff, not that what happened yesterday was bad because it definitely wasn't."

"Smooth, Parker, smooth." Harry whispered loud enough for MJ to hear while rolling his eyes and MJ snickered softly as her ginger-haired friend clicked his tongue.

"So anyway, I was thinking I could skip school tomorrow since we only have revision so I can catch you up on everything." How sweet of him. Why did he have to be so damn sweet? She noticed his sneakers were directly in front of her eyes and shot up, feeling her face heat up when Peter jumped back right before she got him in the nose. "Spider-senses," he said with a short laugh. "You okay? You fell pretty quickly and you didn't come back up for a while."

I'm on my period. Feeling weak again, ya know?" She wasn't exactly lying. It turned out that the only reason the voice in her head was able to hurt her so much when she came back to Peter, only to get rejected was that her period would pop up the very next day. Now, nearly a week later, she was nearly out of the woods. Peter smirked and strolled over to the fridge, handing her a chocolate bar after he riffling through the content for some seconds.

"I'm right on time, then. I always keep some chocolate lying around in case you ever need it, that was actually what I planned to come by and give you today- okay. I feel like that sounds really weird now that we're not dating so let's just pretend I keep it for guests, not just for you...?"

She giggled and tucked some stray frizzy strands behind her ear, her eyes on the floor as she bit her lip. Peter definitely hadn't needed a reminder of their kiss- or to be more accurate, kisses but all of a sudden, all he could think about as she stared at the floor while chewing her lip was how much he wanted to feel them against his own. To distract himself, he once again asked if she wanted his help catching up and she went from trying to extinguish the heat in her cheeks to going pale.

"You two are adorable... Friends, apparently," Harry said with a soft pout before MJ could think of how to reply. MJ rose the phone when Peter arched an eyebrow at her and Harry sent them both a peace sign.

"Oh, shit. My bad. I guess the news has spread now, huh? Do me a favour and don't tell the others, yet. Your ladies'll have a heart attack and then you and Ned will kill me for killing them."

"Sorry, bro but Gwen is now aware. You don't have to know how but yeah, she's heard it all."

"Well, if she knows then everyone else automatically knows. Great. Ju... St great. I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the news already. This just in; Breaking News: Stark's Daughter Breaks Lovable Teen's Heart."

"Dont flatter yourself, Parker. That's definitely not how it happened and you know it." Anger bubbling in her tone in the biracial teenager's tone.

"I'm sure you would love for it to be the other way round. Stark's Intern Breaks The Billionaire's Daughter's Heart After She Attempts to Manipulate Him with Pure Poppycock-"

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