Brotherly Sisterly Love

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MJ forced her way through partygoers to grab a drink, finding herself in the kitchen after all the struggle. There was a bowl of punch but first of all, this wasn't some sort of prom party so she thought it looked stupid and second, she simply wasn't dumb enough to drink from an open-source that could easily be spiked. She was questioning what made her come and chastising Venom in her head, the only enjoyment she felt being the one she got from listening to the great beat although that reminded her of Mike a little.

She grabbed a can of soda and walked out, disgusted by all the sweating and making-out going on. Oh well, she thought to herself. Better than being alone with an annoying symbiote in her head. Venom's instant 'oh no you didn't' response made her laugh a little and she swayed to the music, looking around for anything of interest until she noticed Peter walking in, looking like a lost puppy.

He looked so adorable at that moment, trying to figure out which way to go that MJ almost felt like going over to help him but Liz was quick to rush over to him. "Hey, everyone! This is my buddy, Peter, say hi!" She yelled over the music.

"Hey, Peter...!" A shit ton of drunken people yelled back. Liz giggled and gripped Peter's arm, a smile on her face as she asked him if he wanted to dance. MJ swallowed down a lump in her throat, looking away when he returned Liz's smile eagerly, looking a lot more comfortable being at the party with her next to him. It seemed her assumptions had been right on the money. Liz was one of the many reasons their relationship didn't work out. He had probably only left in his spidey suit to see her, he might have even cheated on her with Liz for all she knew.

MJ wished she could say she didn't see what Peter saw in the slightly older girl but that would be a blatant lie and she knew it. She was smart and beautiful, she had a smile that lit up the room, Liz was everything Peter deserved and she was trying so hard to be happy for him even as her eyes filled with tears. She took a few steps back, wishing the earth would swallow her whole so she never had to witness Peter being happy with another girl again and the feeling intensified when their eyes met.

It was only for a second but a number of emotions instantly crossed his eyes and hers likely mirrored his. Regret, pain and shock were just a few of them but she was too blinded by her insecurities coming to life in the form of Peter's gorgeous girlfriend to notice the longing and euphoria in his eyes at the sight of her. She felt nothing but bitterness growing like a tumour in the depth of her soul, the voice in her head that was usually only this intense when she was on her period spitefully admonishing her for wanting a boy who she was too pathetic to ever have.

A small part of her wanted to fight for him but what good would that do? He was happy with someone else and his joy had only faded when he caught sight of her. "Oh God, why, why...?!" She whispered to herself, desperately wanting to curl up into a ball on the floor as she covered her face to hide her tears. There was only one option left out of all she had considered and that was to run and never look back. Sadly, she wasn't given the chance to.

Hands went around her waist and she was about to wriggle out of his grasp and aggressively insult whoever owned those hands when she took in a coffee scent that made her calm down. She truly hoped it wasn't who she thought it was but turning around, lo and behold, Mike was right in front of her. She formed two fists as she lowered her hands but he grabbed both of them quickly, letting out a long sigh. "Jamjar, wait-"

"What the fuck are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay away from me?!" She could hear the slight crack in her voice, no matter how hard she tried to hide it and she knew with Mike's observant nature, he had heard it, too. There was no denying it when his eyes visibly softened as he gazed at her.

"I'm a friend of Liz's, MJ. I just came to tell her 'welcome back'." She rose an eyebrow at him and he held up a finger to signify she needed to wait, yelling Liz's name a second later. He let go of one hand so he could wave at her but MJ couldn't bear to see if she had waved back because that would put her at risk of seeing Peter again. She didn't need much convincing, she believed him even before he tried to prove it. "See? You never let me explain, you know? You just took the first opportunity you could get and pushed me away. So quick to run from people you're close to-"

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