i fucked up

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The last part of the song is Russian and according to a random YT comment, it means "I'm sorry, I love you" so there's that

"Hello, buddies. I'm looking for this little vermin. His name's Spiderman. Can anyone give me his whereabouts? It's also important to note that if I find that you are all useless to me, I will murder each and every last one of you, understood? I don't have weapons as of now but I have fists and if you want, I'll demonstrate with this incredibly unwilling volunteer right next to me." Peter looked around. Everyone was either gazing with wide eyes at the creature Harry had turned into or shutting their eyes either in fear or prayer. Whichever way, there wasn't an eye or camera pointed in his direction so he saw his window and he took it.

Goblin reached out for the trembling man but all of a sudden, a web shot right out to the man and yanked him towards the crowd of people that had clustered together when Harry turned, chiefly consisting of the reporters that had kept any members of the gang from running for their lives. A chuckle left his lips and they all looked at each other, slightly relieved yet confused until Goblin said, "it would seem that the boy is among us. How very fortunate."

"And why can't it be a girl with small boobs?" MJ quipped, freezing when Goblin set his eyes on her.

"You're giving yourself up? How admirable. But unlike the movies, no one else is going to join you in your quest to save Spiderman because you are all going to die, regardless. And you, for your bravery, will be the first. May I know the name of the fool I'm about to kill?"

"My IQ is definitely higher than yours, sweetheart and don't get it twisted because I'm not planning to face off against you alone. We. Are. Venom." Black coated MJ and they growled at the Goblin together. Venom wanted to eat him the moment he laid eyes on him but MJ knew Harry was in there, somewhere and she wasn't going to be responsible for the death of another friend. Instead, they stretched their arms around the people behind them again and again, forming a large, impenetrable dome. She stepped into it and closed the gap, letting out a soft sigh. "Well, that should keep him out for a while."

Everyone else stared in shock at her while Peter's gaze was full of awe he didn't bother trying to hide. She made sure not to look at him, calming Venom down when a few people's cameras flashed in their face. What reporters did for a story, she mused. He let out a sudden cry and MJ moved her head outwards, flinching when she saw that part of their skin had been singed. If the Goblin had any more explosives with him, she and everyone else within her was doomed.

"MJ, what's happening?"

"I- he has bombs. He could... He could kill us with those. I want to go fight him but I need to protect you all." Another explosion shook her frame and the black around them rippled, nearly splitting at the area of contact.

"Open it."

"He'll kill us all, Peter."

"We'll fight him together!" He yelled back. MJ groaned softly, the body mates struggling to keep their strength when another one wracked their frame.

"I can't do this for much longer but I have to keep you all safe, I... I'm sorry. If I'm not able to save you, I'm sorry but we'll do it till our last breath. We- we'll-"

"Stop. You have to stop. I can't lose you, Michelle. I don't know what I'd do with myself. Venom! Venom, go back in! You're both getting hurt, you need to end this!"

"It's a sacrifice well worth it, my friend. MJ and I have been talking and we've agreed it's what's best. If we are burnt to death... You can have a go at the big green monster but until then, sit tight."

"I'm not going to sit tight while that thing kills the love of my life." Peter slammed his fists into the dark wall but once he heard a gruff groan, he stopped. Trying to help them was only going to hurt her worse. All he could do was wait and beg and hope. For some seconds, there was silence from the outside and Goblin's frustrated groans turned psychotic laughter as he watched their flesh drip to the floor weren't heard anymore. Venom slowly preceded back into MJ, unable to take any more and she fell right into Peter's arms.

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