I. Am. Venom.

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"He's coming!" She looked up expectantly after hearing Doc Ock's exclamation, unwrapping herself from her fetal position. Spiderman pushed the door open as Doctor Octopus slinked into the darkness, following the distinct sound of MJ's whimpers. She began to shake her head, trying to scream for him to run but the gag made it impossible. She felt completely helpless, terrified and worse, guilty. If this crazed villain managed to hurt Spiderman or worse, she would never forgive herself. He finally got to the cage, whispering something to someone named Karen and his webs went around the glass.

"I'm gonna get you out of here, M. I promise... and I'm sorry." He placed his hand on the glass first rather than tugging the reinforced webs he had asked Karen for to destroy the cage, imagining he was holding her instead of watching her weep. If only he knew that her tears were for him. More tears streamed down her face when he looked back just in time to escape one of Oc's four tentacles, then another coming at the left. He smirked beneath the mask, getting cocky as he swung and missed a single tentacle that had been sneaking up on him from behind. "Haha, missed me- mmph!"

"Spiderman, finally we meet in person! Why don't you meet my friends and play a little? They'll keep you company while I check on my latest experiment..." Otto said as he held Spiderman up. The room lit up and she could see that they were in an abandoned warehouse; the conveyor belts held dozens of large robots lined up. Their eyes suddenly glowed red when the scientist flipped a switch and soon, they were all ruthlessly attacking Spiderman. Doctor Octopus walked over to her, the sounds of Spiderman struggling in the background bringing a smile to his pale face. She couldn't sob anymore, instead, she was filled with a burning urge to rip him apart. She clenched her fists, her fingernails digging into her palms as she tried to focus on her irregular heartbeat instead of the deep voice in her head.

I can help you defeat him, Michelle Jones. You have to let me take over and stop fighting! You did enough of that when I was trying to move into your body!

She held her head at the sound of the voice, wondering how it was possible that one of the negative voices in her head sounded so gruff and not so negative. She heard Spiderman let out a yelp as he was thrown across the room and her fists clenched. "Yes, that's it... there's my pretty little monster. Come out and help your creator destroy Spiderman and show this world what it means to feel the pain he's felt!"

"No... must... fight... I am not an experiment or a monster. I. Am. Venom," Venom yelled, seething as he fought to take control over MJ. She shut her eyes, feeling black spots invade her already blurred vision and felt the black substance covering her body again. She resisted at first but something in her decided the voice could be trusted and she finally let it encase her limbs. She looked at her face in the glass, teeth long and bared, her tongue hanging out and roaming her face wildly, then she looked at Spiderman. She punched the glass over and over again, screaming in a blind rage when Otto smiled at her.

"Hmm... the subject's blood pressure is increasing considerably. Although this is one of the weaker forms of its species, it appears to be bonding quite well with its host- hold on?" He looked at his tablet, then at the creature and took a step back, hurrying over to his computers. He began to go through all his data on Michelle Akila Jones frantically, his eyes wide as he stared at the screens. He slammed his fist against it and she smiled. She could smell the fear on him; it made her feel strangely... hungry. "No, no, no! I had the perfect subject. I used the spider's one weakness against him, someone he would never hurt. I used a symbiote that wasn't too strong, yet, not too weak, one I could control! Everything was perfect, too perfect, if I had only checked the facts, if I had only stopped to look at the science! It was here, right here and you missed it, Otto! Stay back, beast! I am your master, I gave you this form, I gave you-"

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