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"Dammit MJ! Talk to me, please!" Peter called her again as Spiderman, trying to shove toast into his mouth, text Michelle and swing to school all at once. Aunt May knew he was Spiderman already but he preferred to play it cool and not go superhero in front of her except it was an emergency because she still felt a little shocked when it happened, he could tell. She couldn't be prouder, though and he felt embarrassed when she shot him a proud thumbs up mid-swing whenever she caught his eye as he did his job. World's greatest aunt, though, he reminded himself as he slipped into class with seconds to spare.

He winced at the front cover pictures on every single magazine being held up in the class, the pictures on all the phones and the latest news everyone was gossiping about that his super hearing made difficult to ignore. It was him kissing Gwen upside down with his mask rolled up to the bridge of his nose. MJ had kissed him the exact same way about a year ago, only hers was warmer and sweet unlike Gwen's who seemed to want their kiss to look as passionate as possible but paid no heed to how uncomfortable and unresponsive he was.

He and MJ never spoke about that kiss again and pretended it never happened but he had a feeling she wasn't happy he locked lips with someone else, even if that someone was his girlfriend. His feeling was especially strong because he had tried to text her the whole night after the kiss happened to rid his guilt. The picture had already started circulating and he received no response but now, the morning after, he planned to use his normal teenage self to find out how long she would be mad at his superhero persona. He wasn't at all surprised to find the picture in the tabloids, what with Gwen's unhealthy obsession with popularity, still shocked and somewhat amused that she had actually broken up with him right after.

"Gwen? Hey, what's up? You texted me and said it was important, so...?" She folded her arms when he spoke to her, hanging upside down from the lamp post.

"Well, look at you, panting up a storm. Makes sense that you would forget." His face immediately fell as he tried to remember whatever had slipped past his mind. She held out her phone and he winced at the brightness, seeing that the date circled on the calendar read My one year anniversary with Spidey <3.

"Uh..." In his mind, he was surprised she wanted to celebrate the milestone when all they ever did in their relationship was pose together for pictures but he didn't ask so as to avoid upsetting her further. "Gwen, I can explain. Seriously, I-"

"Is this relationship a joke to you? Come on, Spiderman! We've been together for a year. A year! You keep blowing me off and it isn't funny anymore. It never was, actually. I'm your bloody girlfriend, dammit!" Her voice rose, gaining the attention of a passing alley cat. It hissed and sauntered off, Peter wishing mentally that it would take him along. He decided to go on the comforting side instead of defending himself because honestly he had been spending a lot of his free time with MJ or trying to find out what Doc Oc was up to instead of being with her. He looked down at her and noticed she was in a red dress with a black spider at the middle of the black belt instead of a bow, her lips painted red, too.

"All this trouble for me? You look nice, Gwen and I'm sorry, I really am but I've just been busy... dealing with villains." Not exactly a lie, since Doctor Oc was on the loose but it wasn't completely true either. He shook his head in shame, about to jump down and talk to her properly when she tugged down his mask, her lips suddenly against his. He pushed her away once he had gotten over the shock of her feeling up his lips roughly with hers and she glanced into the distance which he would later find out was a friend taking pictures of them before turning back to him, teary eyed to finish her wowing performance.

"Are you kidding me, Spidey? You know what? I'm done. When was the last time you got me flowers or a gift or told me I looked beautiful, gorgeous, or sexy instead of that generic nice line? When was the last time you actually called me your girlfriend? Oh, that's right! Never! You haven't even introduced me to the Avengers, for goodness sake! Clearly, this isn't what you want. I'm not the right fit. I hope you find someone better, I really do but for now, I really wish you luck with whoever you're cheating on me with because you just lost an amazing girl right here and right now because of her."

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