Hi, I'm Gwen. I'm New Here

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Amy Riley as Wilhelmina aka Will

She's looking real goooood above ^

MJ cursed as she woke up. She stared at the ceiling for seconds, maybe minutes, wishing she had died in her sleep. Maybe not the best way to start a day but hey, she always started her days like this. And they never got any better, anyway. She finished taking a shower and remembered to wear something warm, pulling on a hooded forest-green poncho and dark blue jeans with a pair of black converse before she snuck into the living room. Then she cursed again.

The first thing she noticed was the stench of the place. It wafted through her nose, filling it with the unpleasant but familiar odour of alcohol, mould and sweat. There were beer cans and bottles all over the floor, blocking her quick escape. She tiptoed through them quietly, too afraid to breathe as she made her way to the front door. Dave lay on the couch, a balding Caucasian with messy salt and pepper scruff across his jaw, snoring loudly with one of his shoes off. She would've laughed but she knew any noise she made would be fatal. Despite his theatrics, he was a very light sleeper which was why she needed to get out of the house as quickly and quietly as possible.

She winced when she stepped on a can and froze in utter shock when he began to stir. He began to yell out something but he groaned instead. She escaped, grateful for the hangover he was facing and made her way to school, passing a newsstand on the way with papers splashed with pictures of the new villain, Goblin. MJ stared at Midtown Science High School with a bored sigh that made mist leave her parted lips before cracking her knuckles in preparation for another day.

It was the first day of school, the first term of junior year and she needed to numb herself. It made it easier for her to go about alone, watching people laughing and happy without breaking down. She was a loner, simply put, and she disliked the human race but at times, she wished she could feel less isolated. Maybe forget her thoughts for a while. She stuck a piece of chewing gum in her mouth and took out her sketchbook, hoping to catch some people breaking down due to first day jitters and homework.

The classes, as usual, were boring. She already knew everything they were going on about, she didn't have any friends so she spent most of her time during the holidays reading for the semester or spending hours at Starbucks to avoid her home and go online. One of her favourite things to watch on YouTube were conspiracy theories and reveals. She had already discovered that Marshmello was Christopher Comstock before people discovered it online. If only she could discover who Spiderman was.

During lunch, she took out a book from her bag and looked around the cafeteria. She could have chosen to go sit at a random table. No one ever bothered sitting with her anyway, it was foolproof. Instead, feeling like engaging in the torturous societal activity popularly known as human contact, she decided to drop her bag and herself at Peter Parker's table. She rolled her eyes when she saw Peter looking good in a beanie which she wasn't ashamed to admit to herself and Ned Leeds staring over at something with a dreamy look in their eyes. She slyly glanced at what exactly was drawing their attention before turning back to them.

"Hey, losers? I really don't give a crap about blondie over there but as a representative of womankind, at least try not to eye rape her, will ya?" They both jumped, noticing her presence for the first time since she sat down. Big shocker there, she thought.

"How did you get here?"

"Uh... I walked," she responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world to Ned's question, already getting irritated and wondering why she chose to spend her precious time with the two idiots in the first place.

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