Are You Okay?

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Second to the last chapter... Hehe 🤭

I changed the name and cover from just Venom. I'm still thinking about it but even if I change the pic, it'll just be like the filters but I like the picture itself. And as for the title, idk for now but it's not too bad, don't you think? Was a little nervous about it but hey, we got thru 👉🏾👈🏾 and now this is the second to the last chapter, mad ooo XD

This has really been a journey, fam. I'm rlly glad to have written this book, tho I'm scared to read it through cos my ass will start pointing out how error-filled and confusing it is- but anyway, thank you for sticking with me! Right now, April 2021, it's at 7k reads and I am so glad about that hehe. I'll let you know which book is next in the series in the next and final chapter 🥺

Who do you think it's gonna be? Leave ur guesses as comments, I'm curious bout ur opinions lol 🤭

Venoma paced about her cell, her expression cool and collected. She had them scared, she knew that much. She was sure the man she had told to pull his eyes out was still struggling to and hopefully, had perhaps succeeded. They were smart enough to keep her in a room where she couldn't be heard by a soul. The glass could also go one-way or two-ways, although it was showing both sides at that moment.

She stared Peter in the eyes through the sheen, cocking her head to the side with a curious expression. Their little stare-down was interrupted, however, when Tony walked in, Aunt May following. She gave him a hug, then thrust an elbow into Tony's rib cage, forcing a smile as Tony choked out, "your aunt- I mean, I've decided that maybe this is a little dangerous. Yeah. Can I go, now?"

"And why is it dangerous?" She glared at him like a playwright would glare at an incompetent cast member, forcing a smile when he nodded slowly as the answer trickled in. "Kid... The guy she told to pull his eyes out? He's still trying. He has to be restrained. He doesn't sleep unless he's been given sedatives and doesn't eat or drink unless it's forced. All he does is struggle to pull out his eyes. So yeah. Dangerous. Your aunt- sorry, I mean, I just want you to be careful in there. Maybe not go in before you get your own eyes plucked out? Don't really know what she's getting at."

"The love of my life is in there, Aunt May," Peter said while sticking his head over Tony's shoulder to speak directly to his aunt. "Somewhere. I'm not gonna fail her, again."

"...I understand but-"

"I love her, Aunt May."

"But... But Peter, just listen-"

"I love her." Every syllable held power behind it and Tony could only smile, taking a step back. He glanced at his daughter, clearing his throat when he felt his breathing quicken and walked out, hoping Pepper would be in his bedroom when he got there. He needed to feel at peace for a bit, maybe she could help. All he knew was that he couldn't stand being alone with his thoughts and feeling wracked with guilt every time he saw the person that had been controlling his daughter's every move and past actions staring blankly at what was meant to be her family with MJ's eyes.

"Well... Try to come back early, this time, Peter. I just know if your uncle were here he would've encouraged the hell out of you. Your parents would've, too. I just... I want my baby boy safe, okay? You're hurting too much all the time because of this and..." She hung her shoulders in defeat and shrugged limply, not finding the words to say anymore. He wasn't going to listen. He had always been stubborn when it came to anything he cared about.

"Thank you, Aunt May. Don't worry... And also maybe don't wait up." Before his aunt could protest he had slipped past her into the room, blinded by the light.

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