A Little Lovey-Dovey

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Okay, psyching myself up to hit publish. Just have to choose the title 🤔
T'was between 'A Little Lovey-Dovey' and 'Happy in the Morning' but hopefully, I chose right.
I hope you enjoy, my eyes are burning rn but fuck that, here's a new chapter and Happy Easter 🐰✝
Ready... set... go 🏁

"M..." Peter whispered, squirming in his sleep. MJ couldn't rest with his movement so eventually, she forced her eyes open after hoping for some minutes that he would calm down. She turned her head to face him, frowning when she noticed his eyes were shut tight and there were small beads of sweat across his forehead. Oh no, is he having a nightmare? His nose was scrunched up in what seemed like pain and she reached out to him but he gripped her first, much to her surprise.

He turned around so he was lying on his stomach but his leg lay over her thighs and even as he lay unconscious, he enjoyed the friction. Her heartbeat shot up when he let out a soft moan, an excited shiver running down her spine that would have caused her to facepalm if she wasn't slightly creeped out and turned on. She pushed away the tingly feeling in her stomach and shook her head. I should end this, now. He's not going to stop apologising if I let him go any farther and I definitely do not want to feel his hard-on.

Yeah, sure you don't, MJ. Sure...

Venom? Shut the fuck up, wouldja?

She flinched when Peter moved closer to her and gripped his shoulders, her chest heaving. She rose her hand and brushed his hair which was matted against his forehead away from his face, cupping his cheek gently. "Pete? Pete, dude, wake up!" She whisper-yelled, letting out a sigh of relief as his eyes slowly fluttered open.

Peter's fantasy came to an abrupt end as his eyes met MJ's. All traces of lust that had overtaken him during his dream snapped out of his eyes and she slid her hands off his shoulder as he remained frozen on top of her, his knee between her thighs. His cheeks suddenly flushed and he rolled off her, covering his face with his hands as he said, "oh my God. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, MJ, I can't believe I- shit! I don't know what came over me- I just- you were- I'm sorry, okay? I'm so sorry! Dammit, Parker, what is wrong with y-"

"Pete, stop! It's okay!" He shook his head, about to apologise again when she placed her hands in his shoulders as they faced each other and pecked his lips. He zoned out of his panicked state once their lips met, blinking at her when she smiled kindly at him. "Please, stop, Pete. If not for your sake, then stop for mine."

"I... MJ, how can I stop after what I just did? I never... I can't believe I... Dammit!" He took her hands and placed his forehead on her knuckles, his shoulders slumped in defeat. MJ was actually planning to laugh it off but she could tell Peter wasn't finding what he did funny even if it wasn't exactly his fault. She pulled her hands away from his and placed them on his cheeks, forcing his head up.

"Peter, please. I don't want you to feel bad, okay? How about I go for now and we talk about it tomorrow. Maybe stop freaking out like you killed someone cos I myself have killed people and I don't freak out as much as you are freaking out right now." He forced out a laugh, his insides churning in pure anguish and MJ frowned at the sight. He looked so frustrated and sad; it was heartbreaking. She patted his cheek gently for support and sent him a wave before she left his room.

. . .

Peter crept into her room early in the morning, even before his aunt would have woken up for work and moved stealthily towards her bed, gazing at MJ as she hugged the pillow she was supposed to be sleeping on to her chest. He felt slightly jealous of the pillow but no matter, one day, he hoped MJ would be open to cuddles with him although his antics the night before must have severed his chances. He had brought her breakfast consisting of three slices of toast and orange juice on a tray, mostly as an excuse to see her.

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