He's Cracked

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MJ was at the Stark Tower again, waiting for Tony to get out of a meeting. Her excuse this time was that she hadn't shown him Mike's letter, then. It was actually directed at her but she felt he would want to know a little more about his lost son and the letter would help with that. It was a little late but it had taken her some time to think of another excuse to see her biological father so she wasn't bothered about it.

The receptionist gave her another glance and MJ shot her a forced smile. The woman was likely one of the many who thought the DNA test was fake, a way for her to scam the billionaire. She was considering asking her if she'd actually told him she was waiting or called security but a message from Aunt May distracted her. She glanced at it and got to her feet, texting Tony to ask if they could meet the next day before she ran out of the building and made her way over with Venom around her.

They got there in record time and she slipped in through his window, as usual, jumping when Aunt May let out a yell and haphazardly threw a mop at her. MJ stepped to the side, watching it sail right through the window before her eyes met May's again. The older woman glanced at the floor for a moment but then she tried to clear the air with the first thought she had. "So... You just waltz into my nephew's bedroom? Why didn't you just come through the front door?"

"Oh, I come to talk to him through here most of the time. He does it to me too, though and it's faster- not that I don't love greeting you in the hallway and being thrown passive-aggressive comments because you haven't forgiven me for whatever it is that I did."

May froze and MJ resisted the urge to roll her eyes, not wanting to be rude. Her relationship with May had definitely deteriorated since she ran from the ward. The woman had been so worried when she got hospitalised that she had sent her a couple of little things, also bringing her food every day in case she woke up, according to Tony but now that she was back, not a word had been said to her. MJ had no idea why and she wasn't sure she wanted to find out, not needing another reason to hate herself which was why she hadn't approach May about it.

May's eyes softened when she noticed MJ playing nervously with her frizz. With a slow sigh, she coldly asked, "you want me to forgive you? You jump in here and tell me you don't know what you're apologising for, yet, you want me to forgive you?"

MJ couldn't handle the intensity of her gaze. She wanted to help Peter then leave as soon as possible to escape the tension between her and his aunt. "Where is he, May? Where's Peter? You said he was sleepwalking but I can't-"

"Why don't you look up and see what you did, huh?" MJ's eyes rose to the ceiling and she gasped softly at the sight of her ex walking across it. She heard soft sniffles and returned her gaze to May, reaching for her. May shook her head and chuckled, running her hands through her hair. "That boy is the most important thing in the world to me. I love you, I do but that's my nephew right there. My blood. I went with him to the hospital every single day. Can you imagine what it's like to see someone you love want something so badly and get shattered every time he hopes because he doesn't get it? That was Peter.

"He couldn't eat well, he couldn't sleep. He couldn't be a hero, either, yet he's still been struggling to study for his exams. He was so worried about you. Then he got the call from Tony that you were awake and I was relieved. My boy can rest now, knowing she's safe. But you robbed him of his rest. You ran. And it started all over again. His world has been crashing down around him and with two weeks of this... I think he's cracked, don't you?"

MJ was silent for a few seconds, finally deciding on what she would say in response. She didn't want to look up again so she faced May with her expression stone-cold. "Why did you call me? He has Ned. Stark could've helped. Heck, you could have helped him out on your own so why did you call me?"

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