Going on a Date

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I so love this music vid 😂 it's been a while since I watched it but I loved it then and I love it now 😍

Back to the chapter...

"Hey, M?" Peter said, crawling towards her on the couch. She was seated at the other end with her knees to her chest, her eyes glued to the book in her hands as she ignored him completely. He whimpered which nearly got her to look at him but even with his cuteness, she just had to see what was going to happen with the teenagers she shipped in the book. They were actually the side couple but she loved them so much more than the main character and his bae so she was intently reading every word of the chapter that had been dedicated to resolving their whirlwind love story. "M, please just look at me! I'm your boyfriend now, remember? I have needs, okay?"

MJ could feel her cheeks heating up when he reminded her of his new title though she choked on air, thanks to her dirty mind when he used the word 'needs'. It was true, he had asked her out a few days after Aunt May had tried to sneak in without being noticed and now, they were officially dating. She found it amusing that she never expected to have a boyfriend, yet, she had gotten herself the best one in the world just by being herself. "You are my boyfriend which means you should respect that your girlfriend is busy and shut your face, Parker."

"But I'm so bored...! We should do something together. Maybe go outside for a walk, play a game? Let's... Play 20 questions?" MJ shook her head, flipping to the next page.

"We must've played that game a million times, except, of course, you were in red and blue spandex. I want to read, now hush." There was silence on his end and she felt guilt prick her conscience for a moment, wondering if she had been too harsh until he said something that made her fling or - as Peter and Ned would say - yeet all remorse out of the window.

"Books. Suck." She slammed her book down on the table, turned to him with narrowed eyes and gripped his throat, pushing him back so he lay on the couch. He was so surprised he gasped as his head hit a pillow on the couch, squeaking with flushed cheeks when he noticed that she was kneeling on top of him, her legs on either side of his abdomen.

"You shut your filthy mouth before I Venom up my hand and break your jaw," she seethed with narrowed eyes. He smirked and she rolled her eyes, realising he had succeeded in distracting her. She got off him and grabbed her novel, putting her middle finger between his eyes when he rose a fist in triumph. He rose and stood in front of her, leaning close so he could take the book from her hands, place his finger between the pages she was reading so she didn't actually murder him and hid it behind his back. She noticed the way his heel was bouncing up and down from the floor, added to the way he avoided her intense gaze and folded her arms, leaning back on the couch so she could gaze at him. "What is it you want to tell me? You're nervous so go on, blurt it out so I can get back to rea-"

"I want to take you out on a date." MJ blinked twice, her shock worrying Peter. "You don't have to but I thought since you were cool with being my girlfriend, you would want to go on a first date with me... and hopefully, a lot more?"

"Well, I... I'm not saying no, I just..." It was Saturday and she really wanted to chill at home but he seemed to have plucked up some courage to ask her, she couldn't turn him down just because she was feeling lazy. Her period was over, anyway so there was no excuse. It didn't seem like such a bad idea as she thought it over. Her face broke out into a smile which prompted him to let out a relieved sigh, grinning at her when she gripped his collar and pecked his lips. She pulled away and said, "gimme some time to get changed, alright, Pedro? Uh... D-do I have to wear anything fancy or...?"

"What? No, no- I think you already look good as you are right now." She looked down at what she was wearing; grey sweatpants and a science joke shirt she had jokingly worn from Peter's closet that he had begged her to keep. It read 'Sorry, I'm [Ta]ntalum, [K] Potassium, [N]itrogen' though, at the back, it read 'I'm in [Lu]tetium [V]anadium with science'. It was cold out so she had to wear a jacket, thus, the shirt would tell everyone she was in a relationship. It excited the teenager more than he cared to admit so he was unashamed to beg her to at least keep it on.

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