I Need You

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"M? M?!" Peter bumped into people as he went down the hallway, following her frizzy hair. She rolled her eyes to herself, hands deeply buried in her pockets and pressed her nails firmly against her palm in silence. He had tried to find her on her birthday, but she seemed to have disappeared and he checked her favourite places to ignore the world but she was nowhere to be found. He would have gone to her house but she didn't seem to want him there the first time he stopped by, though he was technically taken there while unconscious, so he didn't want to bother her.

She shut everyone out from that day she had handed him his gift and she could see the others sitting together in the canteen after their exams, two terms away from finally getting out of school but she felt completely numb. She had gotten a B+ in Physics, a B! It was the lowest score she had ever gotten in her life and she would gladly let Venom eat her own flesh to proclaim that it was her mother's fault.

I'll take you up on that-

Dammit, Ven!

Come on, host! It was just a B and B stands for Beautiful so stop being so... sad. It makes me sad, too. Go and hang out with your friends, young lady or I'll drag you over there.

Do that and I'll ignore you, too.

You couldn't. I'm too amazing. However, seeing as you successfully ignored Peter Parker and the spider, I suppose I shouldn't take my chances. Carry on running away from being cared about and holding in your problems, even from your bodymate like a dum-dum, dum-dum.

I... Venom, I'm sorr-

"Come on, it was only a B! MJ, stop!" She heard Peter's voice and stopped in her tracks, Peter smiling until he realised she wasn't turning around.

"How did you- Will. It was Will, wasn't it? She sits next to me, she must've seen it." She suddenly swerved sharply to the left, rushing through the hallways and stopped at the entrance to the school building. He took in some deep breaths once he reached her but when he looked up, her face was stoic and completely void of emotion. The worried look on his face irked her. "Go home, goody goody little Shitter Parker. Exams are over. Tell the rest that I'll see 'em all later."

"Where are you going, M?" He moved closer and she flinched, placing her hand on the glass to open the doors. Her hair was covering the side of her face he was facing and she looked down more when he tried to brush her hair away from her face. He would have seen her tears if he had and she didn't show those to anyone, not even her friendly neighbourhood spider friend.

"None of your business. And don't call me M!" He placed a hand on her arm when she pushed the door open and she felt a jolt in her heart that made her flinch, once again but he didn't let go. She finally looked up at him, her eyes tired and he rose a hand to wipe her tears but she took a shaky step back. "There, you've seen my tears. I'm crying because of a dumb grade, now leave me alone, Pete!"

It'is not because of that, M. You're hiding things from me. We're partners, remember? You're the Zea to my Tom," he mumbled, a small grin on his face. She bit her lip to repress a laugh and he took a deep breath, pulling her closer to him. "I… I want to be the Peter to your MJ, y-you know? Sometimes..."

Kiss him, kiss him, kiss hi-


We're all thinking it!


You haven't spoken to him since he tried to kiss you and also, I don't care about his existence right now because this one has a face that's cute enough to eat!

"Wh-Pete, come on, don't joke about this." She saw the seriousness in his eyes as he looked at her and shook her head again, trying to get out of his grasp. "Peter, this isn't funny!"

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