I Need Time

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It was Valentine's Day and more importantly, a Saturday. Everyone was free to do as they liked with their families or significant others, yet, MJ was in her high school of all places, waiting for Ned to come with a blindfolded Will. The only thing that made it a little easier was seeing how genuinely happy Harry looked with Gwen and also, listening to an amazing mix of classical music infused with Afrobeat Mike had created.

She loved how he was a very deep person underneath his smugness who never forgot about his roots. He was so cultured and knowledgeable about the strangest things that it always shocked her. How was it that she could mention how she loved pistachios and he could tell her where they originated from or she could be gazing at a picture on Pinterest and he somehow knew where it was taken from through the little information given by the image. He was way too smart to be human but he definitely kept things interesting.

She was still really surprised to even be friends with him. He was so cool and had a way with words, not to talk of his looks so she definitely assumed he would be sitting at the popular table some days after meeting her. He had made it clear he wasn't interested in them, however. In fact, the few that came up to him always ended up running away with widened eyes right after because he usually told them, with the smallest of words, about how, behind all the glamour, their lives were empty and hollow.

"Hey... what are you doing, Jamjar?" MJ turned to him, running her thumb over her knuckles a few times. Even while thinking about her strange (in a good way) new friend, her eyes had flickered across the seats of the theatre to the door a number of times. Not because she was waiting for Ned and Will to burst through the door but because she was waiting for Peter. They had both given a lot of their time and energy towards the play. It was upsetting that he wasn't feeling up to acting with her one last time but still, she was happy he decided to take care of himself, instead.

"Why Jamjar?" She murmured out of the blue, trying to wrap her head around her feelings.

"Simple. Your initials are M, A and J, right? Before you asked, I saw it on a teacher's attendance sheet once. Anyway, I just inverted it; jam and started calling you Jamjar because you're glassy on the outside pretty often but sweet inside." She turned her head to face him and rolled her eyes with finesse, flipping him the bird. The music came to an end and she pulled out his earphone, flashing him a fake smile. "What? You don't like the sound?"

"What? No, no, I'm smiling, dude. It was great, seriously."

"You've looked back at the door about thirty-seven times already- and you did it again, thirty-eight. What's going on? It isn't that Peter guy again, is it?" She rose an eyebrow, raising a hand to her mouth as she chuckled. The slightly irked tone in his voice reminded her of the way she spoke when she was talking about Tony Stark.

"Peter guy? Really, Mickey J? Okay, how old are you?" She didn't need his approval, of course, she was definitely going to date Peter no matter what but even then, she wanted them to get along. They couldn't handle being in the same room together without staring each other down once. It was starting to get to her.

Mike was about to respond with a likely sarcastic answer when Ned and Will walked in. MJ grinned widely along with Harry and Gwen when she saw the shock on Will's face as her blindfold was lowered but Mike just stared at MJ, grinning as well. That was, in fact, the first thing Peter noticed as he rushed in behind the couple but he chose to say nothing. "Sorry I'm late, I was... Uh... Playing the guitar with my buddy."

"You don't own a guitar," Ned stated with a puzzled expression on his face.

"And you definitely don't have any other friends," Will added with a smirk. She threw her arms around Ned's neck and screamed 'thank you's into his chest for some seconds, going over to everyone to hug them after pecking his lips. MJ felt a little anxious when Will hugged her but her face broke out into a grin when Will whispered, "you're a good friend" to her.

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