Fuck People

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Okay, so, I forgot to put this in on the original publish, gonna do it now cos it just entered my head while I was in a shower that I didn't put:

Topher Grace as Eddie Brock Jr.

I'd like to think the current Eddie Brock played by Tom Hardy is his dad a.k.a. Eddie Brock Snr. Oooooooh, yeah, yeah, that kinda ties it up, don't u think? The two people who have acted as Venom so far being related, it fits pretty good. Anywho, yeah, have a good one and enjoy~

"Hello there, old buddy old pal," MJ said to Peter as she walked into the library. She sat across from him, smirking when he blinked at her for the awful impersonation of Tigger. As she got her books out, Peter finally made up his mind, got up and swiftly pecked her lips. He was content keeping his mouth shut while she gaped at him soundlessly.

This boy will be the death of me, she thought to herself, rolling her eyes when Venom wolf-whistled at the slight smirk on Peter's face which came up the moment she stuck her tongue out at him. After an exasperated exhale, she kicked him under the table. "Why did you do that? I just came, dude, there's no way you could've gotten needy that fast. You are as a person but what the he-" Her whisper-yelling came to an end when the librarian cleared her throat and she gritted her teeth, stomping his foot under the table when he let out a stifled chuckle.

"Oh no, oh deary me, I got you in trouble. Sorry about that, I know you aren't a fan but I honestly couldn't help it. You look adorable. Constantly. Don't judge my simping, okay, I'm not proud of it but damn." MJ looked down at her clothes, knowing her hair was in a messy bun and facepalmed. He was an idiot but she loved him that way. Since their vacation, the lines between their friendship and a relationship had only blurred. She knew she should have banned kisses in their entirety because Peter was definitely taking advantage of the rule with the dumbest of excuses after stealing one.

"I don't judge; period and you know it. Should I be worried? You're scaring me a bit with that dumb look on your face, Parkie boy." She took a long sip out of her coffee-filled thermostat, staring expectantly at him.

"Okay. Well... Uh... I know this is happening next term and I know I should be focusing on exams but I've had you on my mind as well. Would you like to go? To-to prom... W-with me? As friends, of course, I mean... Unless you want to go as something else or something-"

"Peter, breathe, will ya?" He nodded slowly and did so, glancing up at her before turning his attention back to his book when he saw the librarian's intense stare at the corner of his eye. She was probably pissed because he was causing a regular patron to make a ruckus but he could care less. His breath remained bated until he remembered what MJ had said.

She smiled when he finally remembered he needed oxygen, sighing at the thought. It sounded great, really. Dancing around with him and her friends... Ish, eating and reminiscing but she didn't want things with Peter to progress any farther than they had. "Pete, I kind of planned not to go already? I mean, I've been thinking of not going as a silent, insignificant-to-everyone-but-me 'fuck you' to this school since my fourth month of high school so...?"

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