You're Spiderman?

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As usual, I'm doubting if I should publish this but I know this chapter's ready, it's been ready for some days now so I'm gonna rip the badaid off and do it. Happy reading =P

Edit: sorry, I just had to add this song. Not everything relates to what's happening but it still does in some ways and it sounds beautiful, doesn't it? Okay, I'll let you get to it, I guess. Bye now 👋

Second Edit and hopefully last: sorry. I was searching through some music and I think this song fits the best here. It all matches this chapter of MJ's life way more than I Will Leave a Light On by Tom Walker, not that it isn't an Incredible song. Today wasn't good for me. Tomorrow will be better. It has to be or idk what I'll do 😅 yeah, uh... Bye.

Ahem. It wasn't the last 😅
Third Edit: this chapter has some suicidal ideation in it so in case that triggers anyone, feel free to skip on by, thank u! <3

MJ rubbed her eyes, rocking back and forth as she gazed at the starry night sky. Checking her phone, she could see that it was long past midnight but she couldn't bring herself to care. She was standing near the edge of the roof of the school building, psyching herself up to fall to the pavement below her which was hidden by the night's darkness. Practically everyone she loved was gone, she thought to herself. No one would hear her scream or the thud just like no one had heard Flash when he left. They would simply see the body of an outcast in the morning, someone they couldn't be bothered to know enough to cry over her death. She felt like she was all alone in the world. "MJ! MJ, stop! Get away from there!"

She swore under her breath and spun around, expecting from the sound of the voice that it was Spiderman, not Peter. The last time she saw the dorky teen, she had dampened his shirt with her tears before disappearing with no trace. What are you doing here? "Go away, Pete. Just go. I'm... I'm fine. There's nothing happening, I'm just... stargazing, alright? I'll see you in school, later-"

Stargazing? Really, MJ? Well... Maybe I am. People always say reach for the sky like you'll achieve your dreams once you do. Maybe my sky is down there. Starless as it may seem, I've longed to touch it far too long to stop now. He took a step forward, his blood running cold when she took a step forward without looking at him, getting closer to the edge. He shook his head, his breathing becoming erratic and fought the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "What are you doing, M...?"

"Eating rats." He chose to ignore the statement, releasing a slight, nervous chuckle in a failed attempt to put her at ease. Her body shook slightly from the cold but she welcomed the shivers. It was nothing compared to what she felt when she lost her mother. Nothing compared to the pain in her chest - one she couldn't control even if she wanted to - from the people she loved who were gone. She rarely ever loved anybody but for some reason, everyone she ever tried to let herself truly adore simply vanished before her very eyes.

"You're gonna catch a cold, M. Come on, l-let's go to my apartment. Aunt May'll order whatever you want, trust me. She can't cook to save her li-" he noticed her wince as he gazed at the little he could see of her face, realising he had used the wrong choice of words. He swore under his breath and reached a hand out to her, whispering jumbled up apologies under his breath. "P-Please, M. I'm begging you, just-"

"Go home, Pete. You'll never have to see me again after this, okay? You'll move on. The sun will still rise and set, the earth will still rotate around its axis and you will continue to be one of the most amazing people that this planet was ever blessed to have. Just leave me here. Please... please leave me here." She rose her head to glance at him but his eyes drew her in for a moment. She could see the pain in his eyes, the tears threatening to spill out but it couldn't move her. Even the fact that he quite possibly cared couldn't bring her to change her mind. She had gone through too much in only seventeen years and in that day alone; life just didn't seem worth the trouble. She tugged at her hair with trembling hands, gritting her teeth in annoyance over his presence.

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