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Angelina Jolie as Director Christine
(She kinda pretty doe damn 😍)

A/n: I'm planning to change the name of this book, Venom isn't just doing it for me. I'm thinking... Voices & Chocolate? Still brainstorming, lmao but anyway... Yeah. I'm also in University so apologies for the shit updates, pls bear with me and plzzzzz don't delete this I love the validation I get knowing people read my garbage?? 😅😅😅

Sorry, guyssss been over a month 😬 I honestly just didn't know how to get this chapter to make sense, particularly the last part heh hope it makes some sense, doe 🤭💕

"Hey, Harry!" He was about to reply when other people in the mental institution said "hey" right back to her from behind him. As Goblin, they were all scared of him but now, he was just a generally harmless, lovesick and greatly messed up teenager. He rose the phone and they all waved, Gwen blushing slightly when she realised they had an audience.

"Sorry. They are huge fans of embarrassing the little guy... though I'm taller than most of 'em."

"Wanna see my dress?" She leaned her tablet down and up to show him her off-shoulder, peach coloured dress and bit her lip hard when he blinked twice in utter disbelief at how gorgeous she was.

"I was gonna say you'd look beautiful in anything but I was wrong. You look gorgeous, inexplicably stunning and by all means, delectable as fuck." She flushed again, trying to get herself to be less of a mess when Harry was around, even if he wasn't, really. The inmates either said 'ooh' or made kissing noises and she rolled her eyes.

"That voice of yours sounds a bit deep. Hope the Goblin isn't planning on making a reappearance?"

"Nah. I just really wish I was there right now and I'm restraining myself from straight-up leaving this joint just to kiss you." She heard some 'dayum's and groaned, covering her face with one hand. They weren't going to stop, were they?

Peeking through her fingers, she mumbled, "Harold Osborne, you're awful."

"You're preaching to the choir, ma'am." He rose the phone to show her others who were nodding in agreement and lowered it to show himself again so he could nod as well. With a smirk, he asked, "I believe we're at a dance, madame. Why aren't we dancing?"

"Maybe because we're miles apart?" When he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, she shook her head with a horrified expression on her face that made him snicker. "Harry, don't laugh! I will not dance with a tablet in my hands. Literally everyone will see, it'll be embarrassing!"

"I thought I told you not to care about everyone? To me, you're the only one in the world that matters." The others said 'aww' while one yelled, 'what are we, chopped liver' and Harry shrugged when Gwen rose an eyebrow.

"They're gonna be here the whole night, aren't they?"

"They're not much but they're kinda like family? Way better than Herman's shit, rare attempts to be nice to me. Plus, I bet even you would choose watching teenagers in love to some dumb fights and endless stupid dad jokes by all the perverted old men in here."

"Um, actually..."

"Really? Huh. Every time you think you know this girl, there are so many more layers to peel. I can't wait to see what's under all those layers." There was a pause after this. Before Gwen could fish out the dirtiness in the statement, he swiftly added, "we don't have to dance. I'm cool just gazing at you for a year or two."

"No, let's dance. Why not?" She rose and he did at the same time, both curtseying. Harry added an extra flourish to his as he held up his imaginary skirt. Then, they did the waltz together and Gwen apologised for stepping on his toes when he stumbled, only to realise one of his buddies had tripped him. He spun her around and dipped her, a smile on her face as he gazed breathlessly into her eyes. "That was the best partnerless waltz I've ever done. Now, on to important matters; is this the part where we kiss?"

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