You're Turning Into Him!

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Two weeks passed since the game and life was changing for all of them. Peter stuck to Gwen like glue and MJ stayed with Flash, leaving Ned alone between the two. Peter got more arrogant and MJ got more irritable. Gwen Stacey had joined every single club that she had joined (Robotics, Debate, Decathalon and Drama) plus cheerleading and there was clear tension between the two when they were in a room together. Gwen wasn't sure why, but she could tell that Michelle didn't like her. Though, for what reason, she didn't understand. It couldn't be Spiderman, MJ didn't seem like the type to have crushes on celebrities. It couldn't be Peter either, MJ and Peter had never really been friends in the first place. She tried to ignore it and focus but it worried her. She really wanted everyone in her new school to like her but with MJ, she could sense that there would be a heated argument in both their futures. She hoped not, though.

Peter was convinced that Flash was up to no good and MJ was certain that Peter wasn't himself around the glamorous Gwen Stacey. Yet, neither of them really tried to speak to each other. Peter missed MJ's insults and short but meaningful words. MJ missed his cute dorkiness. Peter did see Ned every once in a while but he didn't want his new friends thinking less of him so he avoided him as much as possible.

Once, Ned had asked him if he wanted to come by and build Legos since he had been missing their usual hang out days. When Peter waved him off, claiming he had better things to do and those around him actually laughed at Ned, he stopped trying to talk to Peter. He wasn't sure he was ready to watch his old best friend laugh in his face again so he kept his distance from him. At least, MJ still sat at his table with a book or to tease him like she used to, that was still her thing and she wasn't letting go of it. He was grateful, though, because he didn't tell her what was happening in his life at that moment but she made him feel a little less isolated than he was.

"Wh- Peter?! What the hell?!" MJ rushed through the crowd to see Flash holding his balled-up fist in pain while Peter stood calmly, towering above him. MJ went straight to Flash and took his hand in hers gently, shaking her head when she saw that he had broken his wrist. When her eyes met Petet's, an unreadable expression crossed his face for a moment but then it vanished. What was it? Anger, sadness, hurt, disappointment? Or was it all four? "Flash, gosh, how bad does it hurt? I'll get you to the nurse. Peter, what were you thinking?!"

"What are you trying to say, MJ? That I'm the bad guy in this situation? He's a bully. Always has been, always will be. Why would you choose him, of all the people on this planet to..." He took in a deep breath and rubbed his temples. Damn, he really was jealous. A crowd was slowly gathering around him but he didn't care, she needed to see things as he saw it. "MJ, we're friends and as your friend-"

"Correction, we WERE friends. Look at yourself, Peter. Look at what you're wearing. You look like Tony Stark, except maybe less obnoxious and just slightly less arrogant-"

"That's my hero you're talking about, even being compared to him is a compliment. Can't you see you've changed, MJ? Have you seen what you've become after being exposed just a little of Flash's nature-"

"I've changed?! Flash is awesome, you dumbass. You think he's awful just because he makes fun of you? Let me ask you something. I know your history, all the loved ones you've lost, but have you ever wondered what it feels like to lose your loved ones while they are still living?! That's what people like Flash and I go through every fucking day!" She moved closer and whispered in a tone only he could hear, "his parents don't give a shit about him, they think money and love are the same thing. And me? I haven't seen my mother in years. She thinks drugs are equivalent to love. And don't even get me started on my father.

"News flash, your parents are dead, your uncle is dead, but at least they loved you! Everyone around you seems to die, I better back away, then." She took a step back, inhaled through her nostrils and turned back to help Flash. She didn't even consider that she had been insensitive. She wanted him to feel pain like she had because she was jealous. Jealous of his happiness, of the love he had, his friendship, his ability to express himself. She, on the other hand, was numb to everyone and everything. Numb and alone.

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