I Love You, Baby Girl

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Trigger Warning: sexual assault, sexual harrassment, rape. Apologies for not adding these before, it just didn't occur to me 🥺

MJ walked towards the hospital with Peter, her mind full of questions. There were so many things she wanted to talk about, particularly the kiss and how to apologise for shutting everyone out for what felt lile the millionth time. Peter stopped walking and turned around to face her, making her slow down with a heavy sigh, dreading the words that would leave his parted lips. "Why did you ignore us? We tried to call and text you but you just didn't answer. I was more than ready to help you out if you were sick, MJ. If it was my fault like I'm sure it was... if it was about that kiss, it was stupid and I'll never do it again, I promise-"

"Pete," she mumbled weakly, her eyes clouding with tears from how much he cared. Bloody hell, I'm so soft now. What are you doing to me, Parker? She ignored Venom's chants to devour his 'tender, muscular flesh' and stared blankly at him with her arms folded. "It's none of your business. Can we keep going, now? I kind of have a dying mother I need to check up on in the hospital."

"Sure, we can keep going but you're going to answer me," he said with determination, undeterred by her nonchalance. She clicked her tongue and shrugged in response. He grinned at the sight, taking it as agreement. She had missed this dorky side of him, a lot more than the side that had definitely gone crazy and kissed her for no reason, though a small part of her wanted him to do it again. Scratch that, a large, gigantic part of her. Huge. Bloody. Huge. Dammit, MJ, stooooooop! "Where were you?"

"I was... around. I hung around some homeless shelters, then just slept under the stars for a bit. I didn't feel like going home to my dad, you know?" His eyes visibly widened and she felt like laughing but his frown stopped her. He had been so worried about her but now, here was the person he had swung around Queens for, shrugging like her absence didn't affect anyone in the slightest.

"You lived on the streets by yourself for two weeks, MJ? Seriously? What were you th-"

"Venom was with me. Now, Peter B. Parker, choose your next words very carefully or I'll finally let Ven have a taste of you," she said with a teasing smile, bumping his shoulder as they reached her mother's ward. She took a deep breath and grabbed his hand impulsively, shaking her head and reluctantly pulling away but he gripped her hand tighter. She ran her free hand through her hair and looked straight at him seriously, clearing her throat awkwardly when he brushed her hair out of her eyes. In a whisper, she asked, "Pete, what are we doing?"

"Meeting your mom." She laughed and held her head, shaking it slightly to get rid of all her thoughts of not being good enough for him. No one would ever be good enough for Peter Parker but she would make it her life's mission to ensure that whoever he chose to love would fit the bill. Now, if only she could stop crushing on him and Spiderman, assuming her theory was wrong and they weren't the same person, she could make sure his future wife would treat him right instead of plotting her murder out of jealousy.

"So you're not going to ask me about Venom, then?"

"Nope. Spidey told me while we were both avoiding you... sorry about that, by the way. What is with us and avoiding each other so much? Would it kill us to just be together for a month with no issues, just hanging out?" She sighed, pursing her lips at the thought. He was right. Somehow, they could never around with each other in a drama free world without someone keeping their distance, that someone usually being her. That was something she was going to have to change.

"It's okay. I mean, you're here now, aren't you?" He nodded slowly and stepped closer, sending her such an adorable lopsided grin that she felt a desperate urge to draw it and frame that moment in time forever. Why does he have to be so fucking cute?!

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