I Find Karthik In The Most Absurd Place Possible

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Sharvee's POV

I casually stuffed some bread in my mouth and grabbed a milk bottle from the Slytherin table and strolled over to the Gryffindor table. Going to each other's house tables isn't allowed but its not applied that strictly and the teachers approve as long as we don't create havoc. And I was on nice terms with almost all the teachers *cough* Trelawney *cough* so I wasn't being bothered that much.

I passed Nirh, Joe and Pragati. I would join them, but I was looking for a particular crowd of people. Ah, there they were. Adi, Shreni, Carolyn and Sidra. All of them were eating porridge and were laughing their heads off at something. Shreni was so busy with what Carolyn had to say, she grabbed an opened milk bottle instead of her goblet of pumpkin juice and splashed the milk all over her dress. I spit out my bread and erupted into laughter. They all looked at me blankly for a second and joined in. Everyone looked at me but I'd become too shameless to care.

Shreni grumbled and headed back to the dorms to change. This reminded me that I was here for a reason. How? I don't fucking know, okay? I have a weird mind.

'Okay okay, jokes aside. What was Professor Dumbledore talking about last night? I wasn't here. I only had half of my dinner because Daisy needed my help in pulling a prank,' I explained.

'Oh. It was just about a few transfers. They apparently wanted to be in Hogwarts so bad they started wearing our robes there,' Adi laughed. I smiled. Fun. I like new people but I can be a terrible introvert sometimes.

'Okay, but when are they coming?'
'I think today,' Sidra said. Of course she knew, she knew everything.
'Great! I'll just go and get everything ready for them. A few decorations and a 'Welcome To Hell' sign, maybe?' I asked myself. I nodded to myself in agreement and it was fixed.

Oh wait. We have to ask Dumbles. But eh, he probably doesn't even give a shit. He'll just award points to Slytherin and get it over with.

'Carolyn? Wanna come with?'
'Yeees obviously,' she yelled and followed me to the Slytherin common room.

We walked in to find Chen and July asleep on the couch together. Aww. I decided to let them sleep and motioned Carolyn to follow me to the dorms. We both walked in to find Daisy passed out in a pile of clothes and paper.

I silently laughed and shook her awake. She ended up punching me in the gut. I guess I deserved that for laughing.

Daisy glared at me and asked, 'What the fuck do you want? money? i have money here TAKE IT TAKE ITTTT' (yay I guess lmao) (i added a bit UwU ~foxy)

'No! I just wanted to tell you that there's some new students,'

She gasped. 'Really? Lovely. I already have the 'Welcome to Hell' poster. Let's grab the 'Its an Eagle not a Raven' poster from Chen's dorm,'

I nodded and ran down the stairs to get to Chen's dorm. I opened the door without notice and found Karthik sleeping on Chen's bed. Okay what. Karthik is a fucking Hufflepuff but eh, not really surprising. I quickly nicked the Chen poster and silently backed out of the room.


'Students, it is my pleasure to announce that there are gonna be new students at our school! There are only a few of them, but that's still a great additiom to our extraordinary school. I hope you make them feel at home! This is Akshad, he's a seventh year student and is in Gryffindor. Next, Kaylin and Elizaveta, both in Slytherin and they are fifth years. And next, Daniel, who's a Slytherin too and he's a seventh year. Gaurvi, who's a Ravenclaw and in her fifth year. And Dora, who's a Gryffindor and in her third year! And also Mansi, who's also a Gryffindor and in her fourth year! That's all!' And we all clapped.

I saw Akshad, Dora and Gaurvi waving, so I waved back. Kaylin and Elizaveta were talking to McG and Daniel came and sat down on the Slytherin table next to Alex and Karthik. Alex and Daniel immediately started talking.

I absentmindedly started eating the pudding when I heard Dumbledore say, 'Oh and 50 points to Sharvee and Daisy each for the amazing posters! Great job guys! You're allowed to ignore the curfew for two days!'

Daisy whooped and high-fived me and I finger gunned Dumbledore. He laughed said, 'Use it well,' I nodded.

'Any who, party in the common room with everyone?'


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