Chapter One

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Why did I decide to work in this crappy diner when I should have gone to college? But as usual I thought I knew better than my brother. He was perfect in my parents' eyes, he went to college after high school, then got his dream job.

Then there is me, after high school I decided to take a year off school and work, needed that extra cash for the things I wanted since my parents would not help me out. "No college, no cash," my parents would always say.

I could see the diner; it was about a block away. I was given the night shift, which I really did not mind, very few customers and the ones who came in were nice people. Except there was always this one guy who ate alone but would stay for a few hours and leave just before dawn.

I did not pay much attention since he always left me a decent tip even though he just would get coffee then water for the rest of the time. We did not care how late you stayed since we were not busy, but you had to at least order one thing off the menu.

He was something to look at though, tall, mysterious, handsome, he has piercing blue eyes, and a smile that could light up a dark room any day. He did not say much but when he did his voice was smooth and deep.

There was a rumble to it, it was that kind of voice you could listen to all the time and never get tired of hearing it. It was smooth like touching velvet. All was right in your world when he was around, could not figure it out but then again, I did not want to bother trying to.

Pulling my jacket up closer to my neck, I really need to get another jacket, one that was warmer. It was late October, a few days before Halloween and the temperature decided to take a dive to the single digits.

I live in a small town off the coast of Maine. It has never been on the map, the total population I think was three hundred. Nothing big or noteworthy, why my parents settled here was beyond me. But it was home, and I enjoyed it.

Knowing everyone had their difficulties, it is like that anywhere small, I guess. Big towns I never cared for, too much going on. I preferred the simpler quiet lifestyle myself. My mother always said I was an old soul that was ready to settle down.

Whatever that meant, my father would just roll his eyes and say I was a spoiled child who needed to live on my own soon. I stopped and wiped away a tear, it has been two years now since they died in a car accident.

My brother moved out west after the funeral, I have not spoken to him since then either. Why would I? He packed his bags and looked at me and said, "good luck Lilith" and he got into his car and never looked back.

Standing there in my parent's old house, watching him drive away. He took what was willed to him, but he did not want the house. He signed it over to me and everything in it. Said I needed to learn to grow up and this would help.

My brother and I never liked each other; we could not stand to be in the same room most times. So, no loss there when he left. My parents' house was another matter altogether. It was Frikken huge. Five bedrooms, three bathrooms, and way too many other rooms that I have no idea of their function.

It would be considered a mansion but to me it was a waste of space and time. Most rooms I have sealed off, making one of the family rooms into my bedroom, since it had a fireplace in it and a bathroom off it.

The kitchen was right around the corner, which was all I needed. I thought about selling it, but I was told by multiple realtors that I would get hardly anything for it. Might as well keep it since I own it free and clear.

There was not a mortgage on it, since it used to belong to mothers' parents. This house has been passed down in the family for about five generations.

Walking into the diner is like stepping back in time, everything is fifties style. The booths, the floors, and the small jukebox on every table. I am simply happy that I do not have to dress in the style they wanted.

The top was okay, but I said no to the poodle skirt, it was cute, but I do not do skirts. I am more of a jean's kind of girl.

"Lilith you're five minutes late again" Tony in the back yells out. "I know I'm sorry" I said as I walked into the back and clocked in. I knew he would dock my pay but that was fine.

Tony kept me around knowing I was the only one who never complained about the midnight shift and the customers were happy with me. They would always come back.

"She's a rare gem Tony, you better treat her right" some of the older customers would tell him. Tony would grumble but I would see the tiniest of smiles form on his lips before going back to cooking.

Even though Tony owned the diner, he also was the cook at night. He wanted to make sure nothing happened.

I put on my apron and made sure my pen worked and I had a fresh pad to take down orders. One thing Tony would not compromise on, "you make sure you take down exactly what the customer wants "he told me in the beginning.

I have been working for Tony for about five years now, starting when I was nineteen, and with my birthday coming up on Halloween I will be twenty-three, fitting how I started working the night of Halloween.

I have not celebrated my birthday in ten years, no reason to start now.  

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