Chapter Eleven

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After Tony kicked us out of the diner, which he often did even before I met Drake, we were getting into our cars when I had a strange feeling come over me. I looked up right before I got in and saw Louis standing on the other side of the street.

Drake was behind me, and I could feel his chest press into my back, "get in the car baby" he said quietly. I did as he asked, I could feel the tension rolling through his body and in his voice.

Drake got in right after me as did the rest of the guys. None of them were going to take a chance of losing me and suffering the wrath of Drake. Once home the guys surrounded me again until we were all inside and the door was shut and locked.

Heading to the kitchen Drake went into the other room with Luke and two of the other guys, while Tim and Stone went with me to the kitchen. I was about to go to the fridge, "Lilith you sit and let me fix something for all of us" he said with a smile.

"Sure" I said laughing and sat down at the island, I was not about to argue when a guy offered to cook me something to eat. I could feel a headache coming on but figured I needed something to eat that was not cooked well done.

Tim went to get stuff out of the fridge while Stone sat next to me, looking over at him I could only guess why they called him Stone, but with who I am, I always must ask.

"Okay tell me why they call you Stone?" I asked looking over at him. He laughed, "well besides that I am over seven foot tall and over three hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle and that I'm solid as a brick wall, I have no idea why" he said.

All three of us laughed at his statement. I must hand it to him; he was good with comebacks. "Well, I like your name, it's different but easy to remember" I said and winked.

Which had us laughing again. Drake walked into the room at that moment, "what's going on in here?" he asked and walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

I leaned into his touch, how I have missed it. I noticed I've been craving his touch a lot more today than I normally have. "It's because we are now bonded my love" he whispered into my ear as he nipped it and kissed it right away.

My body shuddered at his touch, he knew the things to do to me to get me wanting more from him, which made him smile. He pulled back my chair and picked me up and once he sat down, he placed me on his lap.

I was now content since we were touching each other, "it's the same for me also my love, now that we have connected on every level our bodies, our souls need the connection of touch to feel whole" he said.

"That's always good to know" I said and laid my head on his chest, while listening to all the guys talk about what has been going on, I did not drift off too much as I could smell the food and Drake snickered as I sat up and my teeth were lengthen when my plate was put in front of me.

I dug into a rare steak and a few veggies; the guys were at least trying to get me to eat some normal human food so I would be used to eating out in public. You never realized how much things can change when you do not pay attention to it.

One thing I've also learned is that drinking blood is a movie thing, I never realized how much they get it wrong but then again, how would they know. Only time if needed is when we are having sex is, we can drink from each other, Drake told me that morning after I felt better.

At least I will not go around trying to attack people which made me feel a whole lot better. That was one issue I was seriously going to have if that was the case.

After we ate, Drake took me into the bedroom. One thing I knew I was never going to tire from was all the amounts of sex we could have. Afterwards I took a shower and went into the kitchen.

Drake was sitting there having a beer, which made me smile, a vampire drinking a beer. A sight you would not ever think of. Walking over to him I kissed him on his cheek, "everything okay love?" I asked him as I was going to make myself some tea.

"Everything so far is good, how are you feeling?" he asked putting down his drink, "I feel really good, one question though since everything in the movies is wrong, can I get pregnant?" I asked him as I set the kettle on the stove.

He sat there for a moment, "honestly that one I have no clue on, but I will look into it" he said.

After that we talked about how long I was going to work at the diner for, "honestly Drake I love working there and it keeps me normal, and I have my regular customers that I enjoy seeing" I said as I sat there looking at him.

"I wasn't suggesting you quit baby, I was just curious as to what you wanted to do or had any latest ideas or plans that you wanted to try" Drake said getting up and heading to bed.

I took my tea and joined him in the bedroom, slipping into bed and sitting there drinking my tea, "I haven't thought about it, I just been enjoying getting used to this new life for now" I said as I put my cup down and cuddled with Drake in bed.

Closing my eyes, "your world is at your feet my love and I will give you whatever your heart desires" he whispered as he kissed my eyelids, and we drifted off into a peaceful sleep. 

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