Chapter Fifteen

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I could hear a lot of commotion going on, but I wasn't ready to open my eyes yet, why in the hell did Tim do that? I needed answers since I have no idea what or why werewolves do what they do.

"You better hope she doesn't rip you apart for doing that to her" I could hear Drake's voice with a deadly tone to it, Tim was still alive after that? What was going on?

I slowly opened my eyes, the lights in here were too damn bright, "can someone shut off the lights please they are killing my eyes" I whispered. I realized my voice was hoarse.

The lights were shut off and Drake sat beside me on our bed, "Drake what happened?" I asked him, I opened my eyes and saw him looking down at me with love and tenderness.

"Well, my darling, for some reason, Tim's wolf caught your scent and decided it was his mate, so he took over any rational thought and he bite you" Drake said brushing the hair away from my face.

I sat upright, "he did what?" I yelled, Drake had a smirk to his lips, "Tim, I think you need to explain yourself to Lilith before she goes full vampire on your ass" Drake said sitting there with me.

Tim sat on the other side of the bed; I could see him take a deep breath. "Lilith, I want you to know first off that I am sorry I hurt you, that was never my attention. I should explain the way us wolves are so hopefully you will understand what went on" Tim said.

I leaned back against the headboard, getting ready to hear what he had to say.

"For some reason when a male wolf catches a scent from a female when they are about to go into heat, or um their time of the month each female has a different scent to them that the male wolf picks up on to see if they are mates or not." he said.

I looked at Tim and then at Drake, "are you saying because I'm about to have my period your wolf could smell my scent change?" I asked.

"Yes, unlike vampires, we are two beings inside one body. My wolf overrides the human part of me and claimed you as his mate, now since you're not a wolf you didn't mark me in return and why the bite was so painful to you, plus your vampire side wasn't too pleased since it wasn't Drake biting you" he said.

"So, what happens now?" I asked, getting a bit nervous. "Nothing much you won't turn into a wolf, no matter what happens, you are only born one, but my wolf sees you as his mate now also. Even though you are Drake's mate mine doesn't see it as a competition, just more to the pack" Tim said eyeing Drake making sure he wasn't about to have his throat ripped out.

"So, I have Drake as my mate, but I'm not mated to you, but your wolf thinks I'm his also, I won't turn into a wolf, but will I get anything since he bit me?" I asked, starting to really get confused now.

Tim took a deep breath, "you might as well tell her all of it Tim" Drake said with venom in his voice.

I looked at Drake then at Tim, "tell me what?" I asked holding on to Drake's hand.

Tim looked down, "You are Drake's mate and if you don't bite me back since my wolf saliva is inside of you now also, your body could die" he said.

I sat there stunned, "what the hell do you mean if I don't bite you back, I could die?" I yelled at him.

"My wolf saliva will act like a toxin if the bond isn't fulfilled within a week, you will get weaker, and my saliva will start attacking your body since you are a vampire it will see you as an enemy" Tim said quietly.

"Holy shit" was all I could say. I just sat there looking down at the blanket that was wrapped around me.

"Tim can you please excuse Lilith and me for a bit" Drake asked him, Tim looked between us and got up and went into the kitchen, I could hear him moving around looking for stuff to make.

Drake climbed into bed with me and pulled me to him, I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest, "I don't know what to think sweetheart, I'm scared, and I only wanted you as mine, I was happy and content with knowing I was your other half and soon to be your wife" I said as the tears started to fall.

I could feel Drake take a deep breath, "my love, you are my number one priority, my soulmate, I have dreamt of you over the centuries, nothing will stop us from being together, this is just a little bump in the road is all" he said as he wiped away the tears that were falling.

I sat up and looked deep into Drakes eyes, "well one thing is for sure, I'm not having sex with him" I said, and Drake laughed, "that one my love is out of our hands" he said as he kissed me.

We both knew that this was uncharted territory, we didn't know how my body would react once I bit Tim to complete the bond so I wouldn't die. "Well at least one thing is for certain, Louis will definitely have his hands full if he tries anything" Drake said laughing.

I just shook my head and laughed, I leaned up and kissed Drake, the urge came over like a wave, I needed to feel him inside and all over me, Drake could sense the urgency in me, and he happily obliged. 

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