Chapter Twenty- Four

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"You know Mark, maybe you should show a bit more respect to our Lilith or else your mouth will get you into trouble," Tim said with a ting of a growl to his tone.

Before Mark said anything, I stood up and walked over to the coffee pot, "well it's been nice seeing you Mark, maybe we can have lunch in a few days or after you're settled" I said pouring my coffee and not bothering to look at him.

Mark stood up "lunch would be good since there's some things we need to go over" he said. "You keep saying that what things are you talking about?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"I don't think now is the time to get into it, but I went and saw a lawyer and he said I deserve half the money from the sale of the house" he said standing there.

Looking at him I could see the resemblance of our father, greedy as well. "Well, I don't care what your lawyer says Mark, I was left the house in the will from our parents, and you signed off giving me full rights to it" I said walking over to him.

"I also think it's time for you to leave" I said walking to the front door and opening it waiting for him to leave. Mark looked at me and I could see the veins in his neck start to budge.

I could feel my fangs start to descend and I think Drake and Tim did also, Tim rushed over to my side and held my hand and his thumb started to rub circles over the top of my hand.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders back and looked right into Marks eyes. He did not say another word he walked to the front door, "this isn't over Lilith" Mark said and walked out to his car.

When Mark turned around to get into his car, he looked over at me and saw Drake on one side of me then Tim on the other side, I could tell the wheels were spinning in his mind but let it.

Until he noticed a few other guys walking around the property, if looks could kill Mark would have me dead, let him think what he wants.

I shut the door and leaned against it, "I can't believe he actually thinks he deserves half the money from the house" I said taking a deep breath. Drake walked over to me.

"I'm impressed you withstood the temptation to bite into his neck after his blood pressure went up and his vein was staring you in the face" he said and kissed the top of my head.

"Looks like I'm a fast learner, you don't attack what you don't like" I said and winked at Drake, which got a laugh out of both guys.

We all went into the kitchen, Tim went to cook something to eat, and I went to take a shower, I knew later I wanted to visit Tony and give him the invitation personally.

Even though we have not had any made up yet, I still wanted to tell him and just say hi, I miss that cranky old man.

We pulled up to the diner and noticed the lights were off and it was closed. Tony never closed the diner except for holidays, I was about to get out, but Drake put his hand on my arm.

"Something's not right, stay in here please with Tim" he asked me, I nodded my head as my throat went dry, nothing had better have happened to Tony.

Drake got out of the car, and I locked it after he shut his door, Tim looked around and did not see anything out of the ordinary but that did not mean something was wrong.

A few minutes later Drake came back to the car, I unlocked it, and he got in and relocked the doors. Drake turned to look at me, "do you have Tony's home number?" he asked.

I pulled out my cell phone and went through the contacts, I found it and called it. It went right to voice mail. This was not a good sign.

Looking at Drake "I don't like this one bit; this isn't like Tony, and he always has his phone on him just in case" I said. My nerves were starting to make themselves known.

"Does he have any family?" Tim asked, "no it was just him, his wife died a few years ago. That is why he is always at the diner" I said looking out the window at the diner.

The hairs on the back of my neck went straight out and my eyes went black. I was going to kill Louis, I scrambled to get out of the car, but Drake went to stop me until I turned and looked at him.

He saw my eyes were pitch black and I unlocked the door and got out. Slamming the door shut I went to the back of the diner. Drake and Tim were both on my heels as we rounded the corner.

There at the table where I used to sit was Tony. Slumped over the table, walking closer, I saw there was blood everywhere, I almost screamed but my throat went dry.

Drake took ahold of my hand, "sweetheart I need you to breath slowly" he said in my ear, he knew I was about to just go off, with all the blood and seeing Tony there.

I took a slow breath like he said and focused on what was in front of me, I saw a note lying next to Tony's body. I went over there making sure I did not walk into the blood.

Looking down at it I started to shake, Tim walked over and started to growl, I had never seen him change into his wolf before, and if I were not so pissed and sad it would have amazed me.

Tim transformed into his wolf and started to go around for clues without leaving any traces of himself.

Drake bent over and read the note aloud.

"My dear Lilith,

Since you have moved and did not tell me, I decided to visit dear Tony, guess what he did not tell me either. So, I had to make an example of him for you. You see my dear you are mine, and until you realize this, there will be more deaths. Your brother should be next? Or does he know where you live? We shall see.

Love your soon to be"

Drake stood up and the sight of him would be scary as all hell if I were not in love with him and a vampire.

His fangs were fully out, and his eyes were pitch black, he was looking around, but I knew with how old he was he could scan the area for clues that only an ancient was able to do.

One day I would be able to also, but I must live for at least four hundred years before I even come to getting some of the gifts that Drake has.

Tim walked over to us, "Louis and his men left on foot and got into a vehicle about four blocks away, from there I lost the scent" he said as he put his pants back on.

I called the police and waited by the front of the diner until they showed up. I gave my report as to why we were here. Drake took the note making sure not to leave any traces that we were all back there.

After they said we could go, we got into the car and headed back home.

Once home I went into the shower, sat on the tile, and cried until the water turned cold. Only then did Drake pick me up and dry me off, he put my nightgown on and tucked me into bed.

I was in and out of it for the next two days, Tim and Drake would take turns staying with me the whole time.

I woke up hungry and ready to start the day, I knew somehow, I had to face Louis and put an end to his shit for the last time. But I would need Drakes and Tim's help for that. 

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