Chapter Three

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Every day, like clockwork, when I would get out of work there was his car, Drake was not driving of course, he had his own driver that would take me home. Drake was nowhere around, which I was hoping at least once he would be in there waiting for me.

Drake was not in the diner either, which made me wonder what happened? Did Tony say something to him? Or did he just find something else to occupy his time?

The second week was just like the first one, no sign of Drake anywhere, and when I asked his driver where he was, "Miss, my master is busy away on business, I am to make sure you get home safe is all" he would reply.

I called Tony on a Friday to let him know I was not coming to work, that I had caught a cold, which I did not but I just wanted three days off. I never had called into work, so Tony would believe it.

It is not like I was going out, my plans included staying inside, watching movies, and sleeping in. I had enough food so there was no need to go out. Tony hoped I felt better and would see me Monday.

I hated lying to that man, but for once I needed me time. I know Drake's driver would be there, and it is not my fault since I was not given any number in case something changed.

Climbing into bed, turning on the television and getting settled while a classic was starting up, I was all set until I heard a knock at my door. Looking at the clock it was two in the morning.

Who could it be at this hour? I got up and I knew I was dressed fine, I had on a tank top and my sleeping shorts. Even though it was November, I kept my house warm enough.

Without thinking I opened the door and there stood, larger than life, was the devil himself I thought. Looking up I saw Drake had a look on his face, "why aren't you at work?" he asked me.

"Because I took a sick day" I told him in a stern voice, well I tried, let us just leave it at that.

He stood there mildly appeased to see that I was not in fact sick, "well, that is good to know that you are at least okay, but still I was worried about you" he said. Drake did sound sincere.

"I don't have your number and you don't have mine, so this is bound to happen" I said matter of fact to him.

A slow grin spread across his face, "why dear Lilith are you asking for my number?" he asked. I was about to say anything and there I saw it, he smiled.

Damn his smile was amazing, it made him even hotter if that was even possible. "In fact, yes I am" I said standing there with my arms crossed over my chest. I shivered once a breeze of chilly air hit me.

"How about we take this inside?" He asked, where were my manners, "oh yes, come on in" I said and moved over so he could come inside. Once in I shut the door and he followed me into the kitchen.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked, "If you have any coffee on? If not, I am fine" he said.

I started up the coffee pot, "coffee will be ready in a few minutes" I said and went into my bedroom to throw more wood onto the fire. One benefit of having your bedroom in the family room is a giant fireplace.

"You live down here?" he asked as he followed me into the room. "This house is too big just for me, so I sealed everything else off except for three rooms, it saves on the heating bill, plus I get spooked at night sometimes with the noises this house makes.

"Are you sure you are safe here? If you want, I can have a look around and maybe stay over, not to make you uncomfortable but just to make sure everything is okay" he offered.

It took me by surprise, I knew he was a busy man, well his driver told me he was and yet here Drake was offering to spend the night to make sure this place was safe for me.

I wonder why he cared so much about my safety, it was nice, and I wasn't used to it, I always had to take care of myself most times.

"Actually, I would really enjoy the company and help yourself, if you want to look around the place" I told him.

Drake smiled and pulled out his phone, I assumed he was calling his driver to let him know what was going on, there was another knock at the door, and right away instead of me getting up to answer Drake did.

Call me old fashion, but it was nice having a man get up and take care of things for a change. Drake came back with his bags in hand. "I thought this was for a night. Or do you pack like a woman would? I said laughing.

He squinted his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me and that had me laughing, this man had a sense of humor. I think we will get along simply fine after that one. 

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