Chapter Six

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"I was hoping this wouldn't have come up, but these guys I used to have dealings with a long time ago. Business went sour and they have a grudge against me now" Drake said.

"Oh, is that why all of a sudden they are showing up at the diner?" Drake sat there looking at me, as if he were trying to figure me out, "I'm sure that's probably why" he said as he stood up.

My cell beeped letting me know break was about over. Standing up Drake came over and stood in front of me, I had to Crain my neck to look up at him. Nothing had happened yet between us but the look in his eyes started to give it away that he was thinking about it.

We stood there just staring at each other for a moment before the spell was ruined. Tony opened the door and cleared his throat. "You're off-break Lilith" was all he said before going back inside.

I sighed, wishing for just a moment that Drake would kiss me. I have been wanting him to for a few weeks now, but unfortunate he has kept things very neutral.

I walked past Drake and went inside, I noticed he was right behind me with the briefest touch of his hand on my lower back. And damn even the slightest touch sent my body into a spiral of emotions.

My body wanted him, that was a given, but my mind was still on the fence. We never have had a boyfriend before, and I have been fine until now. Now I have a guy, who is extremely hot, that is now living with me. My mind might be considering new options instead of just wanting to stay alone.

One thing that I am so grateful for is that Drake cannot read minds, I would be mortified if he knew all the thoughts of how I want his lips and hands on me and what he could do to me.

Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out made me realize I was at work and those guys at the back table were still there and they were watching me and all four had a smirk on their faces.

I tensed for a moment before Drake leaned down and his lips brushed my ear, "show no fear baby and you'll be fine" and as soon as he said that he went back to his seat at the counter.

Holy bells, his lips just touched my ear, and my body was on fire already. I glanced at the clock and noticed I still had four more hours of my shift to finish.

The guys did not want anything else, so I gave them their check and hoping they would leave soon after. But as usual I was wrong until Tony cleared his throat which meant I had to go over and ask them to leave.

Tony always had stern policy even when no one else was in the diner, if not eating or drinking and you were sitting there with the check after fifteen minutes, he would politely at first as you to leave, Tony only asked nicely just once.

"Since you all are finished and have your check, I must ask you to pay and head out" I said, I made sure to look each one of them in the eyes as I said what I did. Then as I turned my back one of them grabbed my arm.

"Who said we were ready to leave Lilith?" the one closest to me asked. I was about to say something, but Drake was right there before I could say anything, Drake grabbed the guy's arm and pried his fingers off from around my wrist.

"You know better than to touch Louis" Drake all but growled, both guys were staring each other down, "this isn't over Drake, and you know that you will pay for what you did, and Lilith here is the perfect payment" that Louis' guy said.

"Excuse me?" I asked, looking at him like he had just grown another arm, Louis stood up, and I noticed he was the same height as Drake, "Dear little Lilith, you will be ours" he said as he brushed by, but he made sure his hand brushed my cheek before the rest of the guys filed out.

They put the bill and the money on the counter and left without another word, but I turned to look at Drake "what in the hell was he talking about?" I asked him. "Once home we will talk" was all he said, and Drake left. 

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