Chapter thirty-Six

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For the next few days, I never heard from Drake or Louis. The diner was running smoothly, we started to advertise about new lunches, and we would start closing around ten p.m. every night from now on.

Tim and I have been getting a lot closer since everything went down which he and I needed to cement our bond.

The plans were set for new houses to start being built for the pack. They kept their other land but would move here once everything was ready for them. Life was moving forward.

At night I was sleeping alone, Tim understood that I needed that time for myself like I used to do.

As I was about to open the diner, I noticed a note attached to the door, I grabbed it and unlocked the door, once inside I locked the door back up. Once Tim was here, he would unlock it and put the open sign on.

Setting the note on the counter I went about getting things turned on and ready for the day, the coffee pot beeped letting me know that the goodness was ready. Getting a cup, I sat down at the counter and saw the note.

Opening it up I couldn't believe it.

  "Dear Lilith, I have decided to stay at Tony's old place for now. I have a lot to think about and I am not sure that I am ready for all that you ask of me. Darcy has become an important part of my life that was before you.

I cannot in good faith just leave her behind because you ask. I know things are different with you and Tim, that you were right about I was there from the start and knew it was to keep you alive.

My story is not like yours or ours, she is from a time of past, yes, she is like us and no I did not turn her, she was turned by her late husband. I promise she will not come into this house since it is your place, I will not disrespect that.

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for giving you this letter instead of in person. I am a coward and cannot face the hurt in your eyes any more than what I saw the other night.

I do love you, and in another life, we can be together but as of right now I cannot see that happening, I wish you and Tim the best in your life together as he is a great man and will protect you and cherish you beyond everything.

I will be going overseas in the next few days, and I have no plans to return here any time soon. I know that would make you laugh since we are immortal, and time stands still for us now.

I am sorry I broke our forever

Always Drake"

I sat there crying when I finished reading the goodbye letter Drake had left. So that part of my chapter is now finished at least for now. I texted Tim that the diner was closed today.

He did not ask why; he knew I would tell him once I got home. I turned everything off and turned off the lights. Locked the door and decided to go home but not in the house.

I was not ready to see anyone just yet, I texted Tim to let him know I was going for a walk out in the woods for a while and I would be in later, he texted back he understood and would be there for me.

At least Tim I knew I was going to have a life with, so much had changed lately it made my head spin. I walked out to the stream that I found. Sitting down on a rock I let the tears fall freely.

I know I needed to cleanse my soul, and to let the sorrow and the pain do their thing so I could move on. Since Drake had no issues with moving on.

I took a deep breath and watched the water move over the rocks, and the birds fly around chirping here and there. How simple their lives seemed to be?

I must have been sitting out there for a while, I noticed the sun had begun to set. My internal clock must be broken I thought.

I looked up at the water and saw Louis reflection, I looked up and there he stood. I stood up and walked over to him, he saw the sadness in my eyes. No words were spoken, he just wrapped his arms around me and held me while I cried.

Once there were no more tears "I'm sorry I cried on your shirt" I said sniffing, "Lilith my love, you can cry on every shirt I own" he said which made me smile as I looked up at him.

He took his one hand and ever so softly wiped away the last of my tears. "No more tears for him my dear" he said and gently kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him as he picked me up.

My legs went automatically around his waist to anchor myself to him, we were locked in an embrace that you could not break apart. Our kissing became more fevered with each passing minute.

I broke our kiss and turned my neck to him, a sign that I wanted his bite on me. "You are sure my dear? Once I bite you, we are together" he whispered against my neck.

"Yes, I'm sure Louis" I said and that is all it took, he bit down hard, and my insides went crazy. There was a current that passed between us that made him pull back and breathe deeply.

"What was that?" I asked, "it has been known that only happens when two souls combine into one, like when a werewolf finds their mate, as you and Tim have vampires are somewhat the same" he said as he looked deeply into my eyes.

Louis then turned his neck to me, and I bit down not as hard as he did but close. The current went through us again and this time it was warm and two separate pluses started to beat as one.

I pulled back and looked at him, "does this mean?" I asked him.

Louis had tears in his eyes "yes it does my dear, our souls are now as one" he said, and our lips came crashing down on each other as if our lives depended on it. Louis made love to me right there on the grass next to the stream where we started our journey and now completing it as one.

I could hear the wolves in the distance, they were rejoicing as they do when two souls find each other and become one.

Later, I went inside to spend time with Tim and explain everything that I found out. Tim was happy that things were finding their way, Louis was going to have a house built near the main one.

He said that it was for me and Tim to live in and this house would be ours. Tim was happy with that, we all sat down and compromised as to what was what between all of us.

I knew that summer Tim and I would be married, and the following spring Louis and I would be married. Sitting there at the kitchen table while Louis and Tim talked about everything in general.

I realized how much life has changed for the good and bad. We still had a lot of learning to do together, and I was okay with that. I had a lifetime to spend with them and I was going to enjoy every moment of it. 

The End.

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