Chapter Fourteen

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Waking up and forgetting that I had the day off, I almost fell out of bed thinking I was going to be late. Drake wrapped his arm around me and pulled me back under the covers.

"It's Saturday baby and you have the weekend off" he said as he nuzzled my neck. I let out a soft moan when he does that, which in turn always gets my neck the attention it so requires.

I felt a small nip with his teeth dragging gently along my neck. "Keep that up baby and we won't ever leave this bed till tomorrow" I said with a smirk. I knew he would not mind that one bit either.

A few hours later, we both decided to get up and grab something to eat. Three rounds of sex can make anyone hungry.

Walking into the kitchen I honestly did not think about what I was or was not wearing. Until I saw Tim's eyes go wide and a smile form on his lips.

Going to the fridge I looked at Tim, "what has you all smiles?" I asked as I opened the fridge and grabbed some orange juice. "Nothing much just a naked chick in the kitchen is all" he said with a straight face.

I heard Drake chuckle as he walked into the kitchen wearing jeans that hung low on his hips and nothing else. I stopped and looked down and realized I was completely naked.

"Oh shit" I said and rushed back into the bedroom and grabbed a night shirt that at least covered my ass. Walking back into the kitchen I saw the guy's smirks, but at least this way I was covered.

"Glad you enjoyed the show" I said laughing and stuck my tongue out at Tim. I knew Drake would not be jealous, at least not with these guys. We were all too close as a family to even entertain thoughts like that.

"What's on the plans for today?" Tim asked as he got up to fix me something to eat. Something he has taken upon himself to do every day now, I do not know if Drake and he talked about it, but Drake did not seem to mind the least bit.

"Well other than figuring some things out for the wedding, not much on my plate" I said as I sat down with my orange juice watching Tim buzz around the kitchen.

"Okay good, because I want us to go into town and pick up some supplies for this house" Tim said looking directly at me. He talked to me earlier about redecorating some of the rooms upstairs and I agreed to it.

"Sounds good to me but first I need to eat" I said. Drake laughed, "my baby has quieted the appetite anymore" he said and leaned over and gave me a kiss.

Drake's phone rang and he answered it, but by the sounds of his tone he was not too pleased with this call. After he hung up, "I have to work today but from home love, so why don't you take Tim and Stone with you when you go out?" he said with a question hinting at it.

"Of course, I would take them, I would really hate to see Stone all pouty because he was left here all alone" I said trying hard to hide my laugh when I got a glare from Stone when he walked in.

"Listen here little one, this dog can hear you a mile away and don't think for one second that I wouldn't love a day to myself" he said walking past me. I just sat there with my mouth open.

Looking at Tim he had the same reaction, "Dude, you need a day off?" Tim asked him, Stone grabbed some juice from the fridge, "what's wrong with that, ever since Lilith changed, we haven't had a moment of peace and quiet" Stone said.

I have never seen two grown ass men fly across the room, Drake was right in front of Stone with him in the air, even though Drake is shorter but not by much he could still pick up Stone like he was a pillow.

Tim was right there next to Drake, "what the fuck Stone?" Tim asked and Drake's incisors were at their sharpest and his eyes were pure black, "don't you ever talk about my fiancé like that ever again" he said and tossed him across the room.

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