Chapter Five

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This past week has been crazy to say the least. Drake had moved everything upstairs that he owns I swear. During the day when I am home trying to sleep, he sleeps but once I am up, he is all over the place.

I honestly do not mind having him live here with me, but now to and from work he has his driver take me. I do not think he is incredibly happy with the "new add on" that the driver calls me.

There is one thing though I've noticed with Drake, which is that he hardly ever eats. His guys seemed to have taken it upon themselves to guard this place and eat healthy. No complaints there since they buy all the food for the house.

They even decided to buy mine which I was completely fine with. Getting out of the car heading into work, I noticed a few new customers sitting in the back booth.

Usually no one ever sits there, but if they are new oh well. "Hey Tony" I called when I walked back to punch in my timecard and grab my stuff. "Lilith, be careful tonight, okay? I don't know those new guys in the back booth" Tony whispered.

The hairs on the back of my neck went straight out, if Tony was nervous then it must be something to keep an eye on. Nothing scares Tony, but tonight something was off.

"Sure, thing Tony" I said as I put my notepad and pen into my apron pocket. Grabbing some water, I went over to the table in the back. "Evening, would you like a menu, or do you know what you want?" I asked them as I set down water in front of the men.

There were four in total, two on each side of the booth. They seem to range in their late twenties to early thirties if I had to guess. "Just coffee for all of us" the one guy spoke that was staring me down.

I blinked, "sure thing" I said and walked away. Those guys gave me the creeps, hopefully they will not stay long. I was grabbing the mugs when I felt him, an odd sensation went through me.

I did not have to turn around to know Drake was behind me. "Hey sweetheart" he whispered and with his lip's barley touching my ear gave me the shivers. "What are you doing here?" I whispered back.

With my back still to him I could feel how hard his chest was. It was like he was made of stone, so solid and rigid. "I just had a feeling you needed some company in here tonight" was all he said before he backed away and sat at the counter.

I turned around and noticed all four of the guys at the back table were watching us with interest. Drake was pretending to pay no attention to them, but I could feel his raw energy course through the diner.

I brought the coffee over to the table and made sure each one was set before I turned to take care of my other customers. After a while, the regular customers left, and it was time for my break.

I checked on the guys at the table, they did not want anything else now. I let them know that I was going on break and that if they needed anything Tony would take care of it until I got back.

Drake stood up and followed me into the back room, I grabbed a cigarette and a cup of coffee and went outside to sit at the table. Drake sat across from me, "Lilith, I need you to be extremely careful of those men that are in there" Drake said.

I could tell he was serious; the look and tone were all too clear. "Tony said almost the exact same thing, what is really going on here?" I asked.

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