Chapter Twenty-Six

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I must have fallen asleep at some point, I was being picked up and carried to my bed, which I knew it had to be Drake. No matter the time if I fell asleep anywhere else besides our bed, he always picked me up and made sure I was in bed.

One of the things I loved about that man, he always took care of me no matter what was going on with him. I could feel him get into bed and he pulled me to his chest and settled his head next to mine.

"Everything okay baby?" I asked him, he kissed the back of my head "everything's good my love" he whispered, and we both drifted off.

The sun was shining in the window this morning, for days it had been grey and bleak outside, but finally I could feel the sun on my skin. "Damn I forgot to shut the binds last night" Drake mumbled and pulled the covers over his face.

"I think it's great to have the sun on you in the morning when you're waking up, it just lifts up your spirits" I said stretching and then getting up. While Drake mumbled under the covers, I went to take my shower.

I walked out and there was breakfast just getting done and Tim was humming some melody while putting the food on the plates. "Good morning" I said smiling up at him when he set my food in front of me.

"Good morning my love" he said and gave me a kiss, he pulled back for a moment, "nope wasn't good enough" he said and picked me up, so my legs automatically wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck.

His lips came crashing down on mine and our tongues danced while his hands were on my ass holding me up, I did not want the kiss to stop and neither did Tim.

He carried me to his room, and we ravished each other for the next hour, not caring that the food had gone cold or who could hear us.

We both were walking down the stairs when there was a knock at the door. "We need a gate with a buzzer" I mumbled when the knocking did not stop.

Tim opened the door and there stood Mark, which was not a major surprise since we knew Louis was going to visit him eventually.

"Lilith since you don't leave your little orgy I decided to come here" he said with a sneer on his lips.

Tim grabbed him by Marks's throat, "watch it boy or else you'll be learning how to talk with your hands if you disrespect her again" Tim growled and then set him back down not to gently.

Mark faltered trying to regain his balance, once he was standing again, Mark looked at me and then at Tim, he was waiting for the other big bad man, but Drake was still in bed hiding under the covers trying to get one more minute of sleep.

"I was just about to have breakfast, I will be nice enough and offer you coffee while I eat and we can talk, but once I'm done eating that's the end of the conversation" I said and turned around and went to the kitchen.

I was in too good of a mood to let one idiot ruin my wonderful morning.

I sat down while Tim went to make me more food and Mark sat down from across from me, Tim brought me my coffee and he was nice enough to give Mark one this time.

I smiled and mouthed a thank you to Tim with a wink, he walked over and kissed me on my lips, "Anything for you Babygirl" he said and at this point I did not care what Mark thought.

Mark sat there with his mouth hanging open, "sis your engaged and you're kissing another man?" he said.

"Yes, I am engaged to Drake, but I am also engaged to Tim, Eventually I will be married to both of these wonderful guys" I said smiling. "That is just wrong Lilith" he almost yelled.

I looked over my coffee cup and took a sip, "you know what Mark I don't give two shits what you think, now enough of my life what the hell do you want now" I said.

Mark took a sip of his coffee and then sat down, he looked over at me and I could see the contempt he had for me, he always had but hid it well. Until today that is, and I thought it was funny.

"I brought the papers for you to sign, giving me half my money from the house that you sold without me knowing," Mark said and took the papers out of his briefcase and set them in front of me.

I picked them up and read over them, I laughed looking up at Mark, "did you hit your head while out west and forget everything? I already told you the other day you signed off on the house and the house was left fully to me in our parents' will" I said sitting back picking up my coffee cup.

"I know all of that, but this says you will gladly share the money" he said pointing at the paper. "No, I will not, it is all mine, and I am not sharing anything with you ever" I said with a growl to my voice.

"You are being a bitch Lilith, I need the money" Mark said raising his voice, "I don't care what your problem is Mark I said no and that's final. Your problems are not mine and I really don't care" I said finishing my coffee just in time for the food to be ready.

"Lilith be reasonable, and stop thinking of yourself for a change, sign the papers" he yelled, "No" I yelled back. Just then before Tim could do anything Drake appeared out of nowhere.

"What seems to be the problem in here?" he asked, walking over to stand behind Lilith. Mark stopped and took a deep breath, Drake was an impressive man, especially when he was wearing his jeans low on his hips and no shirt on.

Damn that man knew how to get my insides all happy.

Tim knew what Drake was doing, Drake really did not want me to jump over the table and sink my fangs into my brothers' neck and drink him till he no longer had any blood in his system.

"Nothing that concerns you Drake, this is between me and my bitch of a sister" he spat out looking at me.

I sat there laughing, "you keep calling me a bitch like it is supposed to hurt my feelings, but here's the thing dear brother, go fuck yourself" I said and started eating.

"It is time for you to leave now" Drake said looking right at Mark, Mark was shaking with how mad he was, "listen Lilith, I owe money to some awfully bad people, and they will kill me if I don't pay up" he said pleading with me.

"As I've said before, I don't care what your problems are, I said no and that is final" I said as I did not look up, I was too busy enjoying my food now.

Tim walked over to one side of Mark and Drake was on the other side, "you have overstayed your welcome I suggest you leave on your own now" Drake's voice was so low but lethal.

Mark stood up and walked out the door "You will regret this Lilith," he said as the door was slammed in his face.

Drake and Tim walked back into the kitchen, "the nerve of that idiot trying to ruin my breakfast" I said as I continued to finish off the plate. "You want more Babygirl" Tim asked.

"No, I'm good for now, but thank you love" I said and smiled at him as I took my plate to the sink.

"You know Lilith, it has now started since Mark will now end up working for Louis" Drake said sitting down with his juice. "I know and that's the idea, Louis will end up killing him for me" I said as I smiled then left the room to get dressed for the day.

Tim watched me walk out, he sat at the table and looked at Drake, "we are lucky to have that amazing woman in our life's my friend" Tim said smiling, Drake looked at his old friend "indeed we are, as long as we can keep her safe" Drake said and they both laughed.

They both knew keeping her safe was easy for them, for they both knew they would die for her in a heartbeat. 

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