Chapter Thirty-Four

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"I should get you back in before your pack comes looking for you" Louis said with a wink, I straightened my outfit, and took his arm. We went back inside, and we walked to the front of the diner.

Louis's men all stood up, I smirked at that. Louis turned to me, "Lilith I had a wonderful time, hopefully we can do this again soon" he said and winked at me. I felt my cheeks blush.

"I would like that and thank you for a wonderful evening, Louis, I enjoyed myself" I told him with a smile on my lips. I could still feel his lips on mine and my insides went to mush again.

I swear everyone that was not human sniffed the air and I wanted to crawl under the floor. I forgot when a female is in heat every male that is not mated can smell you a mile away.

I heard Tim growl and Louis knew why, "outside now" he told his guys, they all filed out, "sorry about that my dear" he said as he kissed my hand. "I keep forgetting to school some emotions" I whispered more embarrassed than anything.

Louis looked down at me, "don't ever change who you are Lilith you my dear are a breath of fresh air that this old vamp has been needing in his life" he said and with that he left.

I stood there watching him leave. I turned to see Drake standing there with daggers in his eyes. "So, I go away on business and come home to you on a date with him?" he said with venom in his voice.

"Go fuck off and you on your business trip my ass, I didn't know a business trip was named Darcy" I said and walked past him to my office and slammed the door.

I sat down, little did Drake knew I checked up on him and his calls, I saw the other night in his book the name Darcy and when I did some checking he was out of town on his business trips with her and there was no business other than the two of them shacked up together.

There was a knock at the door, "Lilith I can explain" I heard Drake say, I could hear the fear in his voice he had been caught and now he knew he was about to be on the chopping block.

I opened the door, "really you can explain all the times you went away was to have sex with another woman when you told me it was just me that you never had sex in over a century?" I laughed.

"If you were smart Drake, you will get the hell out of my face and my diner, in fact get out of my house as well, go shack up with your fucking tart" I screamed at him.

Luckly the diner had only Tim and Duke in it. Tim and Duke were both at my side once they heard my voice and what I said.

"You don't mean this Lilith" Drake said, you could feel the fear coming off him in waves, "yes I do" I took the rings off my fingers and threw them at him, "I was a fucking fool to think you actually loved me, you couldn't even tell me the truth" I said more hurt then angry at that moment.

Drake stood there and I turned to Duke, "can you take me home please" I asked. "I'll take you home Babygirl, let me close up for the night" Tim said, and Duke walked me to the front of the diner.

Louis was standing there, and he heard everything, Louis saw the hurt and betrayal in my eyes. I have never seen Louis pissed before, but holy shit was he scarier than Drake.

Louis did not say a word, but Duke was on one side of me while Louis stood on the other, both men shared a look between each other that knew they were there to protect me.

Tim was closing and Drake stopped when he saw Louis on one side of me, his hand on the small of my back.

"At least with Louis we know where he's coming from" Tim growled at Drake.

Drake took off right after that, Louis and Duke walked me to Tim's car, Louis helped me in, I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile, "thank you Louis" I whispered and closed the door to the car.

Duke got in the back and Tim climbed into the front seat, we took off for home, Louis stood there shaking his head, "my poor Lilith, now you see the true man that is Drake" he said into the night as he got into his car and drove away. 

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